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SamShephardsMustache t1_itg9she wrote

That's so sad. Anyway, I made this awesome lo mein last night. Better than takeaway.


rootsdork t1_itghx6y wrote

What do you use for noodles?


[deleted] t1_itgtiab wrote

"Let's make callous jokes because we view some people's lives to have less value"


Res_ipsa_l0quitur t1_itguzst wrote

It’s not that their lives are any less valuable. It’s that they make decisions that not only endanger themselves, but everyone else within their vicinity.

This person’s death is tragic, but it was also entirely avoidable. Death is a difficult topic, so some people make callous jokes in order to process nuanced tragedies that didn’t need to happen. Some people cry. Some get angry. Some shut down. There’s no right or wrong way to grapple with needless deaths.


[deleted] t1_itgw2da wrote

Do we think it's more likely that the joke, specifically the one above, was made because someone had difficulty processing the death or was trying to convey the message "who gives a fuck?"

Do we think we see the same joke being made if it was someone who's life was assigned greater value in our society?


[deleted] t1_ith6kt1 wrote



[deleted] t1_ith8dzw wrote

I think if that's the justification people want to use to make fun of someone's death go for it, just at least recognize it.


Res_ipsa_l0quitur t1_itgyioy wrote

You’re the only one who has suggested that society assigns less value to this person’s life. No one else has said anything of the sort.

This person died doing something reckless and, naturally, that causes other people to feel less sympathy. Some deaths are viewed as being more tragic than others, but that doesn’t mean their life was any less valuable. You don’t feel as bad when someone says their 95 year old grandma died peacefully in her sleep as when someone says their 5 year old accidentally drowned in a pool. That has nothing to do with how much their lives were valued, but rather the cause and manner of their deaths.


[deleted] t1_itgz9q3 wrote

That's true! But I haven't heard anyone say "my grandma die" and someone respond "that's so sad. Anyways this was my lunch yesterday." And that response would probably be frowned upon right? So of its not the value if life causing the callousness, what's the difference?

It just seems like we're assigning value based on how they died.


Res_ipsa_l0quitur t1_ith1q4m wrote

Are you intentionally being obtuse? The difference is not the value of their life, but the cause and manner of their death. I said that already.

Grandma didn’t die doing something reckless that could’ve killed other people as well as herself.


[deleted] t1_ith2kdz wrote

So it's not how people are processing grief but instead just mocking a person because of the they died made it acceptable?

I don't see how making fun of someone's death doesn't reflect the value placed on someone's life. Like if life had inherent value you wouldn't mock their death right?


Carry_On_Wayward_Dad t1_itgepqu wrote

I feel bad for the car driver.


tuenthe463 t1_itkv1v5 wrote

We don't know that it was the dirt bikes driving that caused this accident. We are all assuming that and we are probably right, but we don't know.


zagnuy t1_itgb2zj wrote

Welcome To Philly, dirt bikes and quads up and down broad all day and night. What a town.


OverDaRambo t1_itjj3zi wrote

Bethlehem too. They even cut you off. I’ll flip off on them but they acted like I’m the crazy one.

Oh man, I wish it was a true grand theft auto where you can just run into them! 😂


GlioBlastoMultiforme t1_itj5o43 wrote

To be fair, cars kill way more people. The off road vehicles are generally just annoying. Yet its young people the cities going after. Build some nice parks and crap instead of miles of pavement and these kids might find something else to do.


FriarNurgle t1_itjmfpk wrote

Philly has plenty to fucking do. These kids are idiots. Granted most of us were idiots at that age, myself included. We would ride around on snowmobiles/atvs and shoot fireworks at each other back in my youth.


IamSauerKraut t1_itgw6vr wrote

With the Philly streets not in such sad shape, dirt bike is the only way to ride or to get from point A to point B.


Yago20 t1_itgevp5 wrote

More like "Dirt bike crashes into car, rider killed".


Careless-Repeat9506 t1_itgjevi wrote

But it's illegal for them to ride in the streets.


knockatize t1_itgkvlx wrote

Surely making a thing illegal solves the problem.


IamSauerKraut t1_itgwecn wrote

Police can now legally confiscate the atv/db's.


DigitalHemlock t1_ithzpyz wrote

Great. They can also legally investigate murders. Clearance rate is 20%


N0R5E t1_ith0khg wrote

How are they going to get them?


tuenthe463 t1_itkv8ne wrote

I keep asking why net cannons are not a thing for cops. Effective AND HILARIOUS


Either_Coconut t1_itium8x wrote

They can confiscate them, which is good, but they are discouraged from chasing them down. They don't want the bike/ATV rider to cause an accident while fleeing from the police.

I find it sadly ironic that some of the areas around Philly, where some residents were mocking our issues with these hordes of dirt bikes and ATVs swarming around, are now dealing with swarms of their own. It's not just in the city anymore.


Reynard1981 t1_ith4vxc wrote

Yet the left wants to make firearms illegal. “Gun free zones” work so well in cities lmao


[deleted] t1_ith79r1 wrote



hazeleyedwolff t1_iti0ji6 wrote

Would need lights, turn signals, mirrors, and registration.


ancrm114d t1_iticqdz wrote

Possibly exhaust as well. It's also a bit of red tape to get the registration. Better off buying a factory dual sport.


[deleted] t1_itilv9m wrote



Either_Coconut t1_itivhl7 wrote

I actually don't think many people would care one way or the other about the bikes if they weren't doing all kinds of stupid things in the middle of oncoming traffic. Ride bikes? Fine. Share the road? Fine. Pop wheelies in the middle of the freaking street with cars right behind you? NOT fine. Cut in front of oncoming cars with inches to spare? VERY not fine.

They responded to skateboarders' needs by creating a skateboarder-designed skate park in South Philly. Maybe the next thing they should build is a track where these dirt bikes and ATVs can do all the tricks they want, without causing traffic accidents.


Monkeytohs t1_itgces4 wrote

Maybe it'll be a lesson to everyone. Or maybe it won't.


Mijbr090490 t1_itghmm1 wrote

Nope. Plenty of people have died in Harrisburg from the same stupid shit and the show goes on.


narwhalfinger t1_itgkpfd wrote

It really helped when they made a documentary about it in Baltimore. /s


RustedRelics t1_iti4oxi wrote

Nope. That would require a rudimentary level of reasoning beyond their limited intellect. Even common sense escapes them. They’ll just plan another annual mass ride in memory, and keep on being the daily public nuisance that they are. Completely oblivious to their impacts on others.


Scrungo_Mungo t1_itgesuv wrote

This shit was bound to happen with how lawless the four wheeler and dirt bikes act in Philly lol

Edit: I understand this happens everywhere lol, I’m commenting because the story took place in Philly


direstcruelty t1_itggayn wrote

Not the only city this happens in


introspeck t1_itgjytc wrote

I was passing through Trenton one day on errands, and I was on my motorcycle. A group of dirt bikes overtook me, doing all the usual asinine antics. I thought about turning off to get clear of the idiocy, but didn't need to because they soon left me behind, since I was stopping for red lights and stop signs.

Not as big a scene there as Philly or Baltimore, but it really does go on in most cities.


Golden_Calf t1_itgp2m9 wrote

I saw this just yesterday in Pittsburgh and I've seen it in Baltimore too. It's pretty rampant all over.


xxdropdeadlexi t1_itgtsri wrote

I live 20 minutes outside of Pittsburgh and have just recently started seeing sooo many people riding dirt bikes near my house. Are the cops just not pulling them over?


CatOfTheDecade t1_itguo0g wrote

The problem is, you can't.

I mean you can try, but they're going to take off. Unlike a vehicle, they're just going to dodge between cars and run up embankments. They may or may not have valid plates so you may or may not be able to trace ownership. Even if you do, you have to identify the rider, not the owner. Otherwise the owner shows up in court and says "it wasn't me".

There are solutions but none of them are good. For example one company makes a thing that attaches to the patrol car and blasts out sticky GPS tracker things. There are about a billion problems with this, not least of which is what happens if it misses and hits an innocent person.

If any Redditor thinks they have a viable solution, patent it and sell it. You'll make millions overnight.


wpcodemonkey t1_itgw2li wrote

There is also a no chase rule in the city to prevent innocent by standards from getting hit and killed. There is no good solution other than confiscating bikes/atvs and heavily fining and or arresting people.

“Operating ATV/Dirt Bike on Highway, Sidewalk of Pedacycle Lane (State Law Violations)

  1. Officer Responsibilities: a. If an officer observes and individual operate an ATV or Dirt Bike on any highway, sidewalk or pedacycle lane in violation of PA Vehicle Code §3722, the officer shall: b. Stop and detain the operator, only if it can be done safely. NOTE: Officers shall not pursue any ATV or Dirt Bike with any motorized vehicle, nor shall they unnecessarily endanger themselves in any foot or bicycle pursuit should an operator flee from an ATV or Dirt Bike Vehicle.”



CatOfTheDecade t1_itgzr56 wrote

All that and more, but see how many of them pull over for the siren.

EDIT: I misread your post. I think the typo "innocent by standards" might have thrown me off. At any rate, you're right: they can't chase them anyway. I'm not convinced that engaging in a chase in this particular case is the way to go, either. A bike is vastly more maneuverable than a patrol car, even in the hands of someone who is even remotely concerned about safety of others.

And the people suggesting "just get a helicopter / drone " don't seem to realize that helicopters / drones don't just instantly appear, can't stay in the air all day waiting for the right moment, and still don't identify the operator. At best, they get video -- and that can be worthless. Just because a bike ends up at someone's house doesn't mean that person is the operator.


IamSauerKraut t1_itgwt9a wrote

Police are now allowed to confiscate these machines when operated illegally. Might put a dent in the problem. Or cause more cautious riding.


CatOfTheDecade t1_itgzsvd wrote

If they catch them, sure. It costs a fortune to fly helicopters around all day every day, and drones aren't yet suitable for long term observation. And that's assuming they stay in the same spot long enough to get the bird there.


IamSauerKraut t1_ith27cw wrote

Gotta stop to gas up at some point. Driver needs sleep at some point. Where there is the will, there is the way. Question is, does Philly PD have the will?


SAR_and_Shitposts t1_ith5hmd wrote

They don’t, seeing as they’re not allowed to pursue them when they flee.


IamSauerKraut t1_ith5tmr wrote

Is a hot pursuit the only thing available to the PD? If that is all the Philly PD is willing to consider, then Chief Law needs to go back out west.


TresPantalones t1_ithbl32 wrote

Seeing how the ppd doesn’t and won’t lift a finger out of their “subtle” protest of not doing shit due to politics that the citizens they are supposed to serve suffer the most cus their bitchtit leader cries Waaaah. They still get all the funding and won’t even investigate a crime and just blame city hall, who also don’t hold them accountable. Fire them all. I said it. I meant it. I hope it makes you mad.


CatOfTheDecade t1_ith2ky7 wrote

To follow them indefinitely, through yards and between lanes of bumper to bumper traffic?

They need to be prosecuted but it's not a question of willpower.


IamSauerKraut t1_ith4h9z wrote

Philly PD has been monitoring them for a few years now. They know generally where they come from. They know where they gather. Only so many gas stations that the bikes use to gas up.

And, yes, the bikes can be followed. And have been followed. From the air. I've watched many a video from drones and news helicopters. You can, too.


CatOfTheDecade t1_ith6yr1 wrote

Well, sounds like you've got it figured out. Use whatever drone you have with hours-long capacity and go identify the drivers. Or fly your helicopter over the city all day every day for free. And make sure the rider doesn't take off before you get there.


RustedRelics t1_iti7oaj wrote

They’re apparently succeeding at interventions / confiscation in Paris. Read fairly recently that they created a permanent task force dedicated to the problem. Might be happening in other large cities but I haven’t looked in a while. Something’s gotta give.


Either_Coconut t1_itiwmvk wrote

>I mean you can try, but they're going to take off. Unlike a vehicle, they're just going to dodge between cars and run up embankments.

This. ^^^^ If the cops try to pursue, and the bike/ATV takes off, they might cause exactly the kind of accident we're seeing in the OP here. I mean, they blast through red lights and stop signs when the police AREN'T chasing them. Imagine what they'll do if they think the cops are about to impound their bike?


Buc4415 t1_ithroma wrote

They can’t chase motorcycles, dirt bikes, etc…. Because it’s more of a danger to the public if the biker hits someone fleeing (unless they have reasonable suspicion of a greater crime like murder, burglary, armed robbery).

The public needs to give cops the go ahead to pursue these people and accept that there will be unintended accidents as a result of enforcing the law or put up with the status quo….. gotta pick one…


IamSauerKraut t1_itgwmn1 wrote

Saw it a couple of weeks ago in Harrisburg on 81-N from 2nd st to 283 off-ramp. 4 of them riding in formation. 2 dirts, 2 atv's. dude in middle had some sort of bag. no license plates.


AtlJayhawk t1_ithohzi wrote

It's in crisis mode down here in Memphis. Memphis is pretty lawless anyway.


Edison_Ruggles t1_ithgn5r wrote

It's particularly bad in Philly (but yes, a nationwide problem)


Either_Coconut t1_itiw9fm wrote

I have seen the swarms in my neighborhood a few times. It's a miracle that we don't see this kind of headline more often. The bike and ATV riders drive like crazy people who think the laws of physics don't exist.


whatisevenleft t1_ith3gxs wrote

I just feel bad for the driver of the car.


Odd-Neighborhood5119 t1_itgjqxy wrote

I feel sorry for the pain this kids family must endure. But the way these kids drive around, most completely illegal and disregard for traffic laws. I am surprised more are not killed


IamSauerKraut t1_itgxfir wrote

I always wonder where the riders are getting the bikes from. Legal purchase? Stolen from a rural area? Where?


Joe18067 t1_itghrh5 wrote

Dirt bikes belong on..................................................DIRT!.


FawltyPython t1_itgetxn wrote

"it's a harmless hobby"


ItsjustJim621 t1_itghmfz wrote

It is when you actually take them off road as intended…no traffic to endanger


direstcruelty t1_itgg68e wrote

Guessing no helmets either


ktappe t1_itgon22 wrote

Wearing a helmet is a sign of weakness to them.


[deleted] t1_itgpfnv wrote



[deleted] t1_itgt9hw wrote

I'm all for compensation but protesting a funeral is just trashy


IamSauerKraut t1_itgx0wh wrote

The riders are likely judgment proof. Meaning they have no assets to pay out a damage award.


[deleted] t1_itgxra3 wrote

Very true, but I'm not sure what harassing the deceased's family at the funeral would accomplish


Fangs_0ut t1_itghiwu wrote



Odd-Neighborhood5119 t1_ith0zgi wrote

Probably a bit of both I know some of the bikes that the police have nabbed at other times. Turned up to be stolen. Some were legit owned but no inspection, no insurance and in some cases, these kids don't even have a driver's license


[deleted] t1_itglih6 wrote



DeadSwaggerStorage t1_itgplms wrote

Doesn’t matter…a non licensed vehicle should always be at fault.


IamSauerKraut t1_itgxjfk wrote

Unlicensed driver, unregistered bike, uninsured bike, bike with no title, etc., etc.


Finrodsrod t1_ith2elo wrote

How do you know this. Article just says dirt bike. You have no clue if it was a duel purpose bike, which is 100% street legal and looks close to a dirt bike


IamSauerKraut t1_ith3sug wrote

Does it matter what type? If it is unregistered, uninsured and without a title, then it is not legal to be operated on a public street. If the driver does not have a license, then he cannot lawfully operate it on a public street no matter what type it is.


beeps-n-boops t1_iti7ukw wrote

A very appropriate typo, given the behavior of these shitbags.


technicolordreams t1_itj66dy wrote

It could be a magical unicorn that identifies as a dirt bike but unless you have an overwhelming amount of proof, the assumption is going to be what everyone knows is most probably the case.


[deleted] t1_itj6gps wrote



[deleted] t1_itlzd6q wrote

The number of people that run red lights are night is pretty high so it's not unthinkable. Like those commuter vehicles have plowed into pedestrians.


SameRule9918 t1_ith1ar1 wrote

Wait for that funeral procession 🏍🏍🛵🛴🏍🏍🛴🛵🏍🏍


Anonymous_Otters t1_ith185t wrote

Huh, cops don't enforce basic traffic laws and someone dies. Go figure. Any chance they'll actually do something about the mobs of atvs and dirt bikes on Broad?


amtworks t1_ithg8u0 wrote

After I read this I thought of Nelson from the Simpsons.


Edison_Ruggles t1_ithgh8b wrote

Good riddance. Glad to see no one gunned down the car driver.


OGShrimpPatrol t1_itgrs5x wrote

Generally, that is what happens when you get nailed by a car on a bike…


SSFx93 t1_itgwbsd wrote

Yet it's wrong for us to persecute dirt bike riders. We see the obvious issue here.


B0MBOY t1_itj76qq wrote

Is it a dirt bike or a dual sport motorcycle? The difference between the two is basically just street legality features. Second it doesn’t say the rider was actively doing anything wrong. Third watch where you’re going whether you have right of way or not you have the responsibility to be alert and not hit people/stuff.


L1zardcat t1_itjdjtl wrote

…and the insurance and registration. Those ”lethal” SUVs usually have it. The quads less so.


B0MBOY t1_itk94ip wrote

Insurance and registration? Who cares? You don’t just get to kill people or run them over because they don’t have those. And if it was a conversion or dual sport probably did have those anyway.


L1zardcat t1_itmt32z wrote

You got me flipped up here. I'm not saying we should run down or kill anybody, registration or insurance or not.

But those guys on the quads and the dirt bikes? They're riding on the street with none of the usual insurance bits. That's "I don't care about who or what I hit or who gets hurt" behavior by default. They're the ones who DGAF about others.

The dual sports are a different story. You got your plate from the state, you're fine in my book.


B0MBOY t1_itmxej4 wrote

You’re not going to do much damage to anyone but yourself on a quad or dirt bike. You get into an accident, you just get yeeted and die. Someone has to hose you off the pavement. The people in the steel cage that is a car are fine and not likely to be hurt. Just means your likely to be personally liable for the dent in a car panel


Ovalax t1_itgzyl8 wrote

Do it again, I wasn't looking


Slight_Cat_3146 t1_iti8qpf wrote

Yes they're more vulnerable than the lethally designed SUVs on the streets, and somehow nobody wants to address those.


snuffy_tentpeg OP t1_itifv7o wrote

With respect, kindly clarify the term "lethally designed".


KylesHandles t1_ithogtc wrote

This is a problem in many big cities. Baltimore has bad issues with these bike riders too.


MacDynamite71 t1_ithxxde wrote

Surprised it doesn’t happen more often


imjustatechguy t1_itgwb2w wrote

Hmmm....people buying these for their kids in Philly where there's nowhere to legally use them...they use them illegally....and this happens.

I'm shocked!


SAR_and_Shitposts t1_ith4qm6 wrote

Hopefully the car driver, car, and dirt bike are okay


FreyaR7542 t1_ithyl4q wrote

FA+FO is the Philly motto


Nicademus2003 t1_itj7pmz wrote

Bet the rider was going the wrong way up an off ramp... how we almost hit some dumbass illegally riding a quad with no lights obviously at night. Was one of those windy off ramps but luckily saw his dumbass coming and avoided.


danjay0213 t1_itgkdec wrote

Sad 😔 🙏to the family left behind~


[deleted] t1_itgf7fe wrote

