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james97go t1_it9agz5 wrote

Unisex parts? Seriously is that is your argument for the 'transexual' phenomenon that permeates our societal discussions as of late? You need to get some data together and do the hard science to prove your point if it is.


IamSauerKraut t1_it9puwd wrote

I understand science is hard (try organic, for instance) but at least do a basic internet search. Allow google to be your bbf for a few minutes.

As for "the 'transexual' phenomenon that permeates our societal discussions," that is not science based. It is based on people's ignorance of things different from them, their prurient interest in another's business, and in some folks' willingness to declare war on other people's children. There would be no "phenomenon" otherwise.


Evilevilcow t1_itb61pn wrote

You certainly dropped that "bUt SCIENCE sHoWs thERe ArE jUSt Two sExEs!" argument like it burned you.

But I bet you're going to bust out with it again the second you think the people you are making it to can't come back at you with science.


StupiderIdjit t1_it9j2ck wrote

sCiEnCe dUrr

This is what you sound like.


SomePaddy t1_itabe5l wrote

This is a valuable contribution to the discussion. /s