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Wuz314159 t1_isbixb5 wrote

I'm always laughing at Williamsport. o_Ó


the_dorf t1_isd116r wrote

Well, the one Facebook page is a satire on the government/area and it's pretty good.


sutisuc t1_isblk07 wrote

Ah nice another New Yorker who fled the city and spread COVID far and wide on their way out


idiotdetector70 t1_isbq9jc wrote

PA mouth breathers from all of the rural counties already did that when they went to the bar. Again. Today.


sutisuc t1_isbtk2o wrote

Well yeah but that’s after the rich New Yorkers who fled during the initial surge in March 2020 spread it all over the northeast.


bushwhack227 t1_isnfbii wrote

If rural PA was ever concerned about covid, they didn't show it. But all of a sudden it's a problem if they can blame someone else.


idiotdetector70 t1_isc1yka wrote

You need to watch something other than Fox News. Why would they have come here in 2020? We even shutdown the liquor stores. NY didn't. SMH


sutisuc t1_isc2dsh wrote

Did you read the article linked on this post? She readily admits she left NYC and bought property in Williamsport during the pandemic. But if you don’t believe me here have a look at the very right New York Times:


idiotdetector70 t1_isnqanf wrote

Can't read. Paywall


sutisuc t1_isokhvs wrote

“The coronavirus outbreak in New York City became the primary source of infections around the United States, researchers have found.

Published May 7, 2020Updated May 7, 2021 New York City’s coronavirus outbreak grew so large by early March that the city became the primary source of new infections in the United States, new research reveals, as thousands of infected people traveled from the city and seeded outbreaks around the country.

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth.”


idiotdetector70 t1_isol558 wrote

This makes more sense via airplane travel since JFK and Newark are some of the busiest international airports. I'm sure if you really dove into the facts it would point to business travel as the biggest spread of Covid. Once it got here what did the residents do* though? Not wear masks, not socially distance, but carry on like covid was a joke. Blame the spread on NYC but blame the devastation on the lies.

Edited: doctor to do. Autocorrect on the phone


sutisuc t1_isomgau wrote

Ugh you’re insufferable man. You’re just talking out of your ass and drawing your own uninformed opinions. Just admit you were wrong, apologize for doubling down, and move on.


idiotdetector70 t1_isomrw7 wrote

I guess you were right, according to the article that you can read for me.


sutisuc t1_isoo23t wrote

Why don’t you exercise some of the limited brain power you still possess and look it up for yourself?


idiotdetector70 t1_ispc9ix wrote

You hang your whole argument on one pay walled article that is never corroborated nor mentioned by any other site. That doesn't seem suspicious to you? I tried to look it up for myself. Use your limited brain cell to realize that you pay for crap "news".


sutisuc t1_ispef5p wrote

So first I watched Fox News, now you moved the goal posts and paying for the New York Times is no good either. Where do you get your news from? Friends and family?


petefromeastpete t1_isd27fm wrote

I mean, I’m not even really sure what sutisuc’s point is but anecdotally, Lancaster County was overrun with New Jersey and New York license plates during the pandemic. Especially in the early days when all I was leaving home for was groceries and an occasional hike, probably 40% of the cars I saw were from New York, 30% from New Jersey, and 30% from Pennsylvania. We definitely had a lot of New Yorkers.


sutisuc t1_isduwkp wrote

My point was that initially COVID was brought to the rest of the US by rich New Yorkers who had the means to flee the city. If they would have just stayed put maybe the initial wave of the pandemic would have been contained in the city instead of spreading throughout the country


petefromeastpete t1_iseedec wrote

Yeah there’s definitely something to that thought. They were pouring out of the city like rats from a sinking ship, to Lancaster, the Poconos, and who knows where else. They made quite a mess of things.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_isbvgy5 wrote

Poor thin skinned New Yorkers.


idiotdetector70 t1_isc1n5t wrote

Nope. Backwoods born and raised. Grandfather was from Sullivan County and we used to hunt there every year. Nothing more fun than a dirt road in the winter in PA!


webauteur t1_isd8ypz wrote

I wrote a witty play about a writer's retreat in the Poconos. The main joke was the writer's retreat was a former honeymoon hotel and kept all the old sleazy decor, so writers did more hooking up than serious writing.

The Pajama Factory does create a bit of an art scene in Williamsport. I checked out their new art supplies store recently. But the city does not have a literary scene. There are no poetry readings or open mike nights.