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Bird_Brain4101112 t1_is5zcy3 wrote

I have had more unfounded run ins with CYS than anyone I know. I was a black single mom (currently no longer single) with a toddler I was so careful about my son getting any kind of regular bumps or scrapes because it meant a new report to CYS. When my son got older aka the teenage years , those shifted to police reports. All unfounded and all quickly cleared.

I was black and single but I wasn’t poor which probably helped resolve my situations quickly. By that I mean I didn’t have to worry about anything that might make them take second looks. I can easily see how that could spiral if the house was messy because you were working multiple jobs, if your cupboards were thin because of lack of funds and any of the other downsides of being poor.


Reynard1981 t1_is6iwmg wrote

As a single white father, I too feel your frustration. My 2 children 4 and 7 are both being neglected and abused by their mother and the people who live in her house. My children come home to me with bruises (not from playing), my son now looks like he has been malnourished, and my daughter has been sexually assaulted. Every case I report has been “unfounded”, including the bruises on my 4 year olds back that were claimed to be “shadows”. CYS doesn’t give a damn about children at all.


CatOfTheDecade t1_is6m8n4 wrote

> my daughter has been sexually assaulted

Please contact your local rape crisis center. They work with, but independent of, other local organizations and can ensure you daughter doesn't "fall through the cracks".


Reynard1981 t1_is7jxvs wrote

I have, CYS was contacted and an “investigation “ was completed. Her mother had her lie to protect the culprit and CYS concluded the investigation to be “unfounded”. This is at least the 3rd time that I know of that something has happened to my children in that home and CYS fails to do anything about it.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_is6uug2 wrote

County? I can give you some numbers for direct contact depending on county. Side note call CCBH and move through them, if you have state insurance they are the mental/behavioral arm of state insurance. You can bypass cys this way and get a social worker to check in with them in a way cys would not.


Reynard1981 t1_is7kqtp wrote

My children reside in Lebanon country as of right now. I don’t reside in the same county but I must go through Lebanon because I’m already fighting for custody. I have been a SAHD for 5 years and left her twice with them because she physically abused me (yes, women can physically abuse men) especially when she held a knife to my throat and cut my head open with an ice scraper.

I now report every case through Hershey medical center emergency any time my kids tell me what happened when I question abuse.


CharacterBrief9121 t1_is7pk40 wrote

Sorry I only know more about north central pa. I would recommend calling a state rep though. I would start there, someone in their office should be able to provide or direct you to the right resources.


Keinichn t1_is71647 wrote

> CYS doesn’t give a damn about children at all.

They'd give a damn if the mom was reporting the issues and blaming you though.


Reynard1981 t1_is7l22o wrote

Guaranteed if roles were reversed, I would have lost my kids on the first report. PAs judicial system is extremely sexist against fathers.


Bird_Brain4101112 t1_is6n6ad wrote

Wow!! This is the polar opposite. Mine was a bunch of BS complaints over normal childhood injuries. In your case, this is the opposite. Failure to act with justified cause.


susinpgh t1_is6qn82 wrote

I am so sorry, I hope the best for you and your children.