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Buffmin t1_irequx9 wrote

I'll never understand the hate from these good Christian people.

It costs nothing to respect people's requests here yet out of hatred they refuse to.


mtelesha t1_irgvs76 wrote

As a Christian and former Pastor, JUST CALL WHOM EVER WHATEVER THEY WANT. Iy's not your name so whocares? The ones who care about other names usually have a "Don't Tread on Me" flag on their house, Car License Plate and Coffee Mug.


rudderbutter32 t1_irk47ef wrote

What could possibly go wrong with compelled speech?


enn_sixty_four t1_irmnw7i wrote

Right?! Buncha' damn snowflakes in here...

Who cares about respecting people's extremely easy requests, and simply calling them by what they would like to be called... I'm with you, MicroPenis32!


BobbyG-68 t1_irfi84i wrote

And you know it's hate because?...
Interesting how the majority of these comments are condemning and hate filled towards Christians while at the same condemnation and hate have no place.


Buffmin t1_irg3odr wrote

Idk man when a group is giddy about essentially bullying people in the name of their God I think some strong criticism is warranted.

Especially when they claim to be "loving people"


BobbyG-68 t1_irg5lzb wrote

LOL Oh they're giddy. You forgot hate filled.
These comments are so predictable as I said with my first post. I'll be hate upon by those denouncing hate.
I have family members and many friends of alternative lifestyles who i love dearly. All i'm saying is little children shouldn't be involved in choosing their gender. It's absurd. I think parents who are ushering that along are doing the harm. Let them grow up first. They have their whole adult life to learn and explore their sexuality. It sad that expressing this makes me a hater in your eyes... and "giddy about it".


susinpgh t1_irgbxxq wrote

Read Dazzle by Truman Capote. It was written around 40 years ago, and was about a child that went to a voodoo witch because they wanted to be a girl. This has been with us for a long, long time. Also, Truman Capote was out as a homosexual when it was far, far from acceptable.

Take a good look at the spectrum of sexuality in the animal kingdom. Some bird species require several participants of both sexes in order to procreate.

Did you know that there are documented relationships between to male penguins? Or that there was a documented case of a stable relationship between two male and one female geese?

If you believe that god had a hand in humans sexual and gender imperatives, then you have to acknowledge that they had a hand in the gender expressions throughout the animal kingdom.

This is not a matter of choice; it is a matter of acceptance. And so many in this society cannot accept these differences. It causes unimaginable pain to those who experience a disconnect because this society has no place for them. Denying them a route to self definition causes incredible grief and self-hate.


Buffmin t1_irgkzqp wrote

>LOL Oh they're giddy.

Oh they are. They can't wait to bully lgtbq+ folks because it harms their delicate sensibilities. Trust me when I say plenty of conservative Christians are just intolerant bigots

>I have family members and many friends of alternative lifestyles who i love dearly

Not gonna lie big "I'm not racist I have black friends" vibes. If this is true congrats you aren't who I'm talking about

>All i'm saying is little children shouldn't be involved in choosing their gender.

And what if a little boy comes up and says "I'd rather play with barbies" do you let him or do you tell him no those are for girls?


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irglxbz wrote

It’s also SUPER insulting and pretty telling calling it an “alternative lifestyle”. It’s not renting over buying a house, choosing to be single vs monogamous relationship, only eating at independent establishments vs chains. People aren’t choosing to be “quirky” and CHOOSE the “alternative lifestyle” of being trans. It’s disgusting.

Hate and condemnation have no place. Hate and condemnation TOWARDS hate and condemnation ARENT the same thing, concern troll.


Buffmin t1_irgn7ph wrote

That's a good point too. "Alternative" implies there's a standard one never mind how the bigots see it as a choice.


cakeandale t1_irgx54z wrote

> All i'm saying is little children shouldn't be involved in choosing their gender. […] They have their whole adult life to learn and explore their sexuality.

To be sure, gender and sexuality are entirely distinct. A man may feel extremely uncomfortable being required to wear a dress, and that has nothing to do with whether he is sexually attracted to other men, or women, or both, or neither.

Gender is about presentation in society, and there’s no reason to assume that children can’t understand it or know that the presentation they are being required to have do not match how they feel - like that man forced to wear a dress.


thebutchone t1_irfxrif wrote

How is purposely going out of your way to harm someone not hate? Explain it to me.


[deleted] t1_irg14mf wrote



thebutchone t1_irg7fel wrote

I'm a bearded bear of a man, if you call me a woman because I happen to have a cunt in my pants, that's ridiculous.

There is literally nothing in the bible about disrespecting pronouns. Hell there's nothing at all about trans people on the Bible.

And how nice of you not to be in the mood to have a discussion about hate. Trans kids don't have that option. They just have bigotries shoved in their face and they're supposed to respect it because of religious tolerance, in a religion that has no mention of trans people.


susinpgh t1_irgc30b wrote

Oh honey, if you showed up in a ladies room, I would be absolutely looking to have you arrested! <hugs>


thebutchone t1_irgcybo wrote

If PA passes trans bans, I'm going to make everyone uncomfortable until the laws are gone.


susinpgh t1_irgfcff wrote

Good! But I hope it's not because you, a very bearded bear of a person, is going to be showing up in ladies rooms! I hope you didn't take this the wrong way.


No-Professional-1884 t1_irig4b7 wrote

If you’re too ignorant to understand hate maybe you should stay off the internet.


BobbyG-68 t1_irihf44 wrote

And there it is. You spewing hate all over me while pretending to denounce it. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.


No-Professional-1884 t1_irj14e7 wrote

Calling facts hate - the MO of a true conservative.

And I hope you have the day you deserve.


BobbyG-68 t1_irj4vmq wrote

I have said nothing hate filled but I’ve only received hate since I posted my comment which simply said little children should not be encouraged to decide whether they want to be a boy or a girl. Even after saying, have a great day, to you you still return it with your hate.… All the while Can you claim you are.condemning hate Once again have a great day and it’s a shame you can’t have a civil conversation with someone who sees something different than you


No-Professional-1884 t1_irjgywu wrote

Who the fuck said I condemn hate? I condemn evil bastards that think they have the right to make decisions for other people. I condemn evil bastards that think they are right and just because of their fairytale delusions.

You support bigoted beliefs and then wonder why you’re getting “hate”. The Nuremberg Trials must have confused the shit out of you, amIright?


BobbyG-68 t1_irjhqhh wrote

My bad. I didn’t know you were in favor of hate. You're doing a great job spreading it. I apologize


IsNowReallyTheTime t1_irej65l wrote

Would be a shame if the kids started referring to him as Mrs.

A real shame, hope they don’t do that. Since he’s all fake Jebusy and everything.


[deleted] t1_irep4ph wrote



ChefBoy-ar-dee t1_irgzuk4 wrote

Don’t be such an idiot. This is not Christian behavior, this is American cuntology, and you are part of it. There are Christians all over the world that don’t subscribe to this American evangelical bullshit.


leatherpro t1_irgallk wrote

It’s called beliefs. Just because you disagree with it doesn’t give you the power to call it hatred.


mtelesha t1_irgw1mv wrote

It is HATE there is no place in the Bible where it says to refuse service to people that disbelieve in you and Jesus forgave the sinners and rebuked the "Religious." "Christian" people don't know their Bible they just know what other people say the Bible says.


I have a Theology Degree and several years of Hebrew and Greek each. Love Jesus and shake my head at ignorant people who claim beliefs when they are based on hate and not scripture.


leatherpro t1_irgwh2y wrote

Gods greatest creation is man and women. Twisting that creation into something else is the devils work. The devil presents himself 1000 different ways. Many of those are neither man nor woman or both. This is the devils say of destroy gods work.


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjeh9r wrote

You’re calling people devils and wondering why people think you are hateful. Take a reality check


leatherpro t1_irjerwk wrote

Never called anyone a devil. You’re misrepresenting what I said.


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjg0fy wrote

You sound like a crazy person, sorry


leatherpro t1_irjg2tb wrote

Great argument


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjha23 wrote

Salem Witch Trials logic more your speed?


[deleted] t1_irjhedj wrote



_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjjsyt wrote

How is calling them what they ask you to call them mutilating them?


leatherpro t1_irjjyjs wrote

Sorry, my bad. Wrong argument.


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjkf6d wrote

I’m sure you’ll come up with a cogent one about devils and angels.


No-Professional-1884 t1_irig90f wrote

The devil presents himself most often through Christian beliefs.


mtelesha t1_irih75g wrote

So much hate and has been done through the excuse of God or beliefs. Doesn't mean it's right nor religious.

Case in point, The Crussades and how deeply people believed in the hate, The Children's Crussade.


No-Professional-1884 t1_irj1eud wrote

Using belief’s to justify your actions is the meaning of religion.

Religion is the worse thing man ever created, followed closely by the A-bomb.


mtelesha t1_irlj21z wrote

Religion is certainly not the worst. It was out of religion that so many worthy causes were taken up. US Absolutionist were religious. Ghandi was religious and so many that fight against poverty.

The issue is where the religious get their beliefs and based on what. Most of today's Christian Nationalist is based on people wanting power. It's not based on the Bible they claim to uphold. Bible preaches against fear but they listen to fear mongers. They us religion for selfish motives and sake. There are amazing religious people through history and in the world today..

Just like there are horrible none religious people. Stalin, Po Pot and so many more.


GANDHI-BOT t1_irlj2nw wrote

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Just so you know, the correct spelling is Gandhi.


leatherpro t1_iriqyle wrote

You’re doing the same thing. Making the claim that anyone who disagrees with you should be persecuted and silenced.


spartacuscollective t1_irgxhex wrote

Okay, well I believe you're an asshole.


leatherpro t1_irgxjty wrote

Hate has no home here


spartacuscollective t1_irgxu1u wrote

It's my belief. Just because you disagree with it doesn’t give you the power to call it hatred.


_KnightsDelight_ t1_irepbq1 wrote

Male teacher. It’s Mr. Because you know, he’s a male.


[deleted] t1_ireu1c5 wrote



_KnightsDelight_ t1_ireuas7 wrote

Yes sir.


DavidLieberMintz t1_irsgyhe wrote

Now I understand those WWJD bracelets! The answer is, sexually harass people to confirm their gender identity according to your own, incomplete understanding of gender. It all makes sense now.


kworkbos t1_irexav4 wrote

of course it's a male; those kids with their pronouns confuse him (and jesus) and make him very very angry


karabo29 t1_iressgi wrote

disgusting. fuck republicans


stahleo t1_irgb0nz wrote

There is not a single mention of anything to do with Republicans in the article, not to mention Independents don't put up with this pronoun trend either, but continue with your anti-Republican narrative.


vvorknat t1_is3z2it wrote

I’m registered as Independent and I absolutely “put up with this pronouns trend” .

What’s so hard about using someone’s preferred pronoun? When speaking about someone, saying They is about as easy as it gets.

Its like refusing to call someone Mike if they ask you to. Sure, they were born and legally named Michael but what fucking difference does it make to you? Just refer to them as Mike, for fucks sake.


James19991 t1_irf74zx wrote

A school district that voted 70 to 75% for Trump. Just cruel people being cruel for no reason.


Evilroot55 t1_iri2zd1 wrote

How parents can actively work to make these kids lives more difficult I’ll never be able to understand. Or forgive


worstatit t1_irib2wf wrote

So, how many Beaver County students does this involve?


mtelesha t1_irlj5n7 wrote

I seriously would love to know what your saying is conected to what I said. There is so misunderstanding on both of our sides.


leatherpro t1_irga3xr wrote

Liberals= anything someone disagrees with me on is hate.


lordrustad t1_irgkc24 wrote

I mean, intentionally being a dick to trans kids is pretty cut and dried...


leatherpro t1_irgnb32 wrote

By the way, it’s called “gender dysphoria”.


[deleted] t1_irgl3r8 wrote



Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgmfi2 wrote

Puberty blockers are 100% reversible and ALL scientific evidence says so and that they produce no “problems for the rest of their life”.

Literally no child has ever been given gender reassignment surgery. This is a lie and debunked over and over again, why do you repeat such a lie?

“Removing any possibility of ever having sexual gratification or sharing intimacy”. Huh, weird I thought the Christian view on sex is SOLELY procreation, nothing else. Weird……..


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgnkkg wrote

Lol, you posted a link to a source who quotes, THE DAILY CALLER! Hahahaha. What an unbiased source, created by Tucker Carlson and funded by the Koch’s who has frequently made posts openly supporting white supremacy.

Any credibility in your argument you MAY have had you just by quoting such an obviously biased trash source.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgnosp wrote

Now you cite Bretibart HAHAHAHA, god you’re so hilariously weak at making an unbiased, data focused argument. Go away, let the adults speak little one.


leatherpro t1_irgnsum wrote

Data is data. You have no argument.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgo56e wrote

No it is not. That’s just NOT how it works, at all. God this is such a pathetic attempt to justify your bigoted beliefs. Data can be manipulated. Andrew Wakefield had “data” and “studies”. Until people looked at it and made it clear how bad the “data” was.


leatherpro t1_irgocsl wrote

You just keep arguing for child mutilation and I’ll sleep just fine at night.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgogt9 wrote

Not what I said, why do you feel the need to make shit up and lie? Why do you feel the need to be a liar?

You know, Jesus doesn’t care for liars…..Sounds like you’re beating false witness. Enjoy hell sinner.


leatherpro t1_irgnyo7 wrote

I’ll just keep Giving you facts and you can just keep embarrassing yourself


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgod07 wrote

“Sound journalism, grounded in facts and biblical truth”. Lol, do you have a single source that isn’t some obviously right wing trash?

“Facts and biblical truths” is an oxymoron.


leatherpro t1_irgohui wrote

Ahh, the “it’s not facts because I disagree” argument. Are you sure it’s not “hate speech”.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgotgw wrote

What facts? You have yet to post any facts. Just more and more white supremacist trash. Try harder next time. It’s okay, everyone can see the kind of racist you are. Bye!


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjfl8n wrote

The referenced study has not been peer reviewed.

Do you have a real study?


leatherpro t1_irgmo2t wrote

Laughable, let’s see how the long term data pans out.


thebutchone t1_irgubg2 wrote

For the last fucking time, no one is doing surgery on children you have to be 18 to get surgery. Puberty blockers do not cause any long-term consequences, and if it did y'all would have been fighting people when it was prescribed for precocious puberty, but no one seemed to give a fuck about it until it affects trans kids.

Trans kids with support are more likely to flourish and have less mental health problems. Trans kids who are forced to conform to the gender they were assigned at birth are more likely to end up with more mental health problems and suicide attempts.

This has been well documented, maybe use your computer or phone to do some fucking research instead of believing in your feelings.


thebutchone t1_irh3rkj wrote

Did you even read your own post?

From the linked article:

> The findings emphasize the urgency of building welcoming and safe communities for LGBTQ young people, particularly for transgender youth.

And from the study itself:

> Research clearly reveals that minority identities are not the cause of health disparities. Ultimately, researchers must comprehensively examine the factors (eg, gender minority stress29) that explain why transgender adolescents experience higher odds of suicide behavior and, perhaps more importantly, why some transgender adolescents do not. For example, research reveals that family acceptance and support are associated with diminished disparities in depression between transgender and cisgender children.


leatherpro t1_irgv276 wrote

50.8% of trans males have reported to attempted suicide. Is this the “flourishing” you’re referring to? Is the national center for transgender Equality not a good enough source for you? One of us is posting facts and studies, the other is spewing bs


AelfredRex t1_irfyof8 wrote

Ever consider the blatant narcissism involved in demanding that people stop using the English language as based on millenia of common consentual usage and change that usage overnight arbitrarily simply to satisfy their own personal whims, and any who do not go along with those whims must be punished as an example to terrorize others into compliance?

The word "tyrant" comes to mind. So does "brat".


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irgmlgt wrote

So if your name is Robert and you ask people call you Rob or Bob or Bobby, they have every right to tell you “go fuck yourself, how DARE you try to curtail my free speech!”

That’s how silly you sound.


AelfredRex t1_irguock wrote

If someone comes up and says "Call me Rob or else"... that's a threat and that's the game these people play.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irhvlvb wrote

Lol, literally nobody is doing that. They’re asking you to just use their pronouns, and you’re being an obstinate asshole.


AelfredRex t1_iri8wem wrote

And when you refuse they throw tantrums and try to ruin your life. That's thuggery.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irjxvcv wrote

…..or you could just, not be a dick to people? It’s not like it’s a hard ask. If you’re talking to them, you wouldn’t even use their preferred pronouns. If you’re talking to someone else about them, is it REALLY that much to just use “she/he” instead of “he/she”?

Be kind to people.


AelfredRex t1_irk41pg wrote

Unless they refuse to speak the way you want them to, then destroy their careers. Right?


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irkqvd7 wrote

If you have to be mandated to not be an asshole to people, so be it. It’s really not that big of a deal, just don’t be a dick? Why is that so hard?


AelfredRex t1_irl1w9k wrote

"Waaah, teacher didn't use my pronouns! He didn't validate my ego! Crucify him! Destroy his career! Ruin him financially! I deserve to be OBEYED!"

That's what you defend. You think you're being so moral but you have no problem destroying a person's life just to stroke your own ego. Who's the dick?


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_irlc9p2 wrote

Yeah that teacher sounds like an asshole and a child. It doesn’t affect you in the slightest if someone asks to use X pronouns. You’re just whining that people call you an asshole. Don’t be an asshole. Be like Bill and Ted.


DavidLieberMintz t1_irshaqx wrote

Oh, honey. No one is wasting the energy to threaten a troll like yourself.


lordrustad t1_irgklh8 wrote

Ahh yes, the immutable English language - that bastion of permanency since time immemorial.


AelfredRex t1_irgvjuy wrote

Language is by consent... not diktat.


lordrustad t1_irgwrjl wrote

Grammar rules (like pronouns) are also descriptive, rather than prescriptive. But there is a certain irony in "language is by consent...not diktat" coming from the "language is what I say it is" camp.


AelfredRex t1_irgyy14 wrote

If I do not consent to call an apple an orange, but you try to impose financial hardship on me for not doing so, that's extortion.

Congratulations. You're a tyrant.


lordrustad t1_irh12ub wrote

>You're a tyrant.

"There are consequences to being inconsiderate / rude / intentionally spiteful in a workplace" is not synonymous with tyranny, however much you'd like it to be.


DavidLieberMintz t1_irshgd0 wrote

And we all know the English language has stayed the exact same for millions of years. It's god's will!


thebutchone t1_irgugw4 wrote

That's a lot of words to say that you don't know how pronouns work. Do you also throw a fit about married names and nicknames?


AelfredRex t1_irgutrg wrote

If someone comes up and tells you to call them God and throws a temper tantrum and tries to get you fired from your job if you don't....

You're backing bullies.


BobbyG-68 t1_irfhq45 wrote

So I guess this is a people post hate post against Christians?
If the adults have anything to say that doesn't agree with what the kids want it's considered hate.
We now live in a society where the kids tell the adults what to do. And if it is pushed back against or not completely embraced you are a bigot and a hater.
Looking forward to the hate replies :-)


CheckPlease54 t1_irfm178 wrote

Yes, you’re the victim /s


BobbyG-68 t1_irfseji wrote

Yeah. That was the point i was trying to make /s


CheckPlease54 t1_irfss8l wrote

So you don’t think your post is about how you’re the real victim of this post?

Edit: that’s what I thought.


_Woodrow_ OP t1_irjfu70 wrote

Calling this a hate post against Christians is a start


BobbyG-68 t1_irftcqv wrote

Apparently not.
"We now live in a society where the kids tell the adults what to do." That says victim to you? That says "backwards" to me.


AeAeR t1_irg1ani wrote

I’m curious and I’m legitimately not trying to fight. What makes you say that the kids are the ones creating and enforcing policies? Is this not the school board?

It also seems like this was straight up democracy. I’m not a fan of open democracy but most people are, and the result is that the majority makes the rules. This is just us abiding by our democratic principles that a lot of people agreeing must be right.

Edit: shame you can’t even explain your issue and are just regurgitating some shit you heard


AelfredRex t1_irgv6ng wrote

Ever see that episode of the Twilight Zone where the traveler comes across a house held hostage by a six year old boy with god-like powers, who simply erases anyone from existence if they don't give him what he wants?

That's the kind of tyranny these fools are advocating. Because they want to be the tyrants.


lordrustad t1_irgx7gj wrote

> tyranny

"Teachers who intentionally disrespect their students probably shouldn't be teachers" is a pretty low standard for tyranny.