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susinpgh OP t1_ircfdt8 wrote

Which is why we need to flip as many seats as we can.


MuckRaker83 t1_irck0o0 wrote

If only the state wasn't gerrymandered to hell. Dems frequently win statewide offices but never come close to legislative control. At this point I read somewhere that dems need something like 60% of the vote to win the state house


ell0bo t1_irco14n wrote

Dems have to better organize state wide. There's pockets, but in heavy Republican areas, Dems are rather in shambles. Dems state wide need to help those smaller groups. Like, if the Philly machine was to really help the state, it needs to do some serious outreach.


pfudorpfudor t1_irdcb78 wrote

Conservatives also need to stop voting for people actively against their interests and needs. Majority of people I know classified as independent contractors are super far right. Same with most conservatives I know, regardless of age, being for legalized marijuana, especially medical, but continue to vote for those who oppose it. Make it make sense


surrrah t1_ire8734 wrote

Unfortunately propaganda is one hell of a drug


Illustrious_Air_1438 t1_irhnwl9 wrote

It's not gerrymandered anymore. With this year's maps, Biden won a slight majority of the state house districts.


Insterstellar t1_irdls2e wrote

So primary Republicans and get anti-wage theft candidates nominated.
