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spoon7777 t1_je61bn4 wrote

My house has been vacant since January 1st. Somehow my usage for January of 23 was slightly higher than in January of 22, when I did live there with my son. The last 2 months have been significantly lower, as they should be, but I still haven't been reimbursed for January, and probably never will be.


theviolinist7 OP t1_je66wrb wrote

How much higher was it in January than February?


spoon7777 t1_je68kfe wrote

January I was billed for 617 kwh, February 142. January of 22 when we were actually living there it was 583. All I have on is 1 fluorescent light in the kitchen.


theviolinist7 OP t1_je6v2m9 wrote

Wow, that's almost 500 kWh between January and February. This is disgusting.