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Mysterious487 t1_jcl5ssz wrote

When someone can’t separate their personal religious beliefs from their responsibilities as a public servant, you have situations like this ban on The Addams Family musical. The people of the board president’s voting district need to vote the Evangelical pastor off the school board. People have every right to have their religious convictions, but don’t force them on the public.


Excelius t1_jcl6c49 wrote

There's a good chance they ran for school board precisely to do this kind of stuff.

There's been a concerted effort in the past few years for right-wing culture warriors to take over school boards. They're local races that people mostly don't care about for jobs that no one really wants to do, so it's easy for them to get on the ballot and win.


Mysterious487 t1_jcl7m2u wrote

I grew up in the conservative fundamentalist evangelical culture. This is exactly why this man ran for a school board position. I can almost guarantee his children and his church members’ children don’t attend the public school. Their children are most likely homeschooled or attend a private Christian school. The pastor is only on the board to project his morality on the rest of society.


IamSauerKraut t1_jcl9zbk wrote

>Their children are most likely homeschooled or attend a private Christian school.

This is something I am noticing more and more, and not just in NoLeb.


IamSauerKraut t1_jcl9uxe wrote

>There's a good chance they ran for school board precisely to do this kind of stuff.

NoLeb in a nutshell. Yet, despite their non-stop efforts to exercise absolute control over students, most students continue to thrive.


MoreOfAGrower t1_jclbi6g wrote

Few years? Try many decades


Mysterious487 t1_jcloqeq wrote

You are correct. An example is Jerry Falwell Sr. (founder of evangelical Liberty University) who heavily influenced the GOP in the 1980s.


Chickadoozle t1_jcnw7wg wrote

Had a guy running for a local school board seat. Made it very obvious that under "his opponents rule" (to quote) too many unholy abominations, such as gay people in public, were being displayed!
Aka, we must protect the children by getting rid of half the children :skull: