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enemy_of_your_enema t1_jckdxjv wrote

>As much as you may not like it, the football team brings in way more money than it costs.

This is a little bit misleading. Yes, PSU football probably does bring in more money than it costs, but often that money is used to subsidize the rest of the athletics department, rather than lowering tuition costs. And while PSU may be included in the tiny minority of schools whose football programs are profitable, the vast majority of schools lose money on football.

And of course, PSU couldn't have a football program if there weren't lots of other teams to play against, so it doesn't make sense to limit the analysis to just a single school. On the whole, college football in the US loses more money than it brings it. On the whole, the system is taxpayer and student-subsidized entertainment in what should be an educational system.


VenomB t1_jckgaze wrote

>On the whole, the system is taxpayer and student-subsidized entertainment in what should be an educational system.

I was just bitching to my buddy about this yesterday. What the FUCK is the point of college? What do these sports have to do with it?

Its all because instead of college football being a fun time and something to do, it became corporatized and tied in with professional football. College hasn't been about higher learning for a long time now.


enemy_of_your_enema t1_jckguwo wrote

To be clear, I think this all only really applies to bigger schools that have big sports programs. There are plenty of colleges and universities out there that are primarily about academics and whose athletics programs are about giving students opportunities for exercise, recreation, and growth rather than being focused on selling tickets and merch.


drxdrg08 t1_jckmnu9 wrote

> College hasn't been about higher learning for a long time now.

You are projecting.

Like everything else, college is what you yourself decide it to be.

You can play sports, you can drink 24/7, or you can study hard.


VenomB t1_jclo9aq wrote

I left PSU after a single summer semester because it was such shit.