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deadocmike OP t1_je157jw wrote

No. That’s gatekeeping. Violation of the sub rules. Let’s see if you get banned.


No-Setting9690 t1_je15u87 wrote

I see no rule that states that. Please state which number it is?

Relevance: Posts Must be Relevant to PA

Part 1: Your posts must be directly relevant to the State of Pennsylvania.

Part 2: Please provide location (county, city, etc.) to provide provenance that the post is relevant to the region.

Solicitation: No Solicitation of Funds, Services, or other Support in Posts or Comments

Part 1: Refrain from seeking funds, services, or other support on this subreddit, through either posts or comments. A petition for support may be allowed if it receives third-party verification. For example, if it is mentioned in a news article.

Part 2: Please don't ask for upvotes or complain about downvotes.

Reputation: Post from Reputable Sources

Please do your due diligence and verify your source. Don't post from hyper-partisan publications. Do not post to your own blog. Do not self-promote by posting links to your own blog, twitter account, Tiktok, Facebook page, etc. Do not post misleading information.

Discourse: Keep your Discourse Civil

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Editorialization: Do Not Editorialize Headlines

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Elk: Don't Name Them

It's pretty self-explanatory. This rule does not apply to groundhogs.

Missing Persons & Pets

Part 1: Do not include personal contact information when requesting assistance in finding a missing person or pet. Please refer tips to the local police department only.

Part 2: Found a pet? Don't leave a description or picture in the post. Looking for a lost pet? Please provide some sort of proof of ownership or report. Please contact moderation team