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Prestigious-Buy1774 t1_jcf97w2 wrote

Thank you!!! Put more teeth into the law. Maybe a $3000 fine , and a mandatory sentence of having to pick up trash along roads. Contact our state reps to put pressure on them. That's what I'm going to do since I now know there are many other ppl who actually care


Ribzee OP t1_jcho1v5 wrote

Yep, lots of people care, but we're all out here wondering what to do about it. My NextDoor is blowing up about it and someone started their own litter-picking group, which is amazing. Their first outing is on Saturday. Really great to see people like "Welp. Nobody from the city or state is gonna get it. Might as well be me." And that's what I'm trying to convey with my own group, plus my meetings with city admins in Allentown. We're working on education and outreach programs now, trying to get the community involved in caring about their neighborhoods.. I'm hopeful.