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saintofhate OP t1_jbvefk2 wrote

I feel there's several ways to look at it.

One: someone fucked up with the patient he had to take care of and the supervisor wanted the nurse to look crazy to cover their ass. Once you're accused of being on drugs/having a mental break down the more you deny the less people believe you.

Two: he was high/having a break down and needed intervention. The problem with this scenario is why ask him back five days later?

Either way something is very hinky.


trying-to-be-kind t1_jbvoqm4 wrote

Even if he was having some kind of meltdown, he asked to leave for a 10 minute break to compose himself. He was denied, and instead they went straight to the sedatives & restraints. If he had the presence of mind to ask for a cool down period, it seems obvious he wasn't so deranged as to require heavy handed measures.

I agree we haven't heard the whole story, but this smells like the hospital is looking to discredit anything he reports by saying "he's nuts".


generalraptor2002 t1_jbxwh6l wrote


I thought bootyjuicing was only SUPPOSED to be used for violent and combative patients who are an immediate danger to themselves and others


Sennva t1_jbxlb5s wrote

Something feels deeply wrong about an employer forcefully holding, treating, diagnosing one of their own employees. Especially after an accusation of neglect.

Even if their intentions were good it seems like a huge conflict of interest.