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Maleficent_Bee_9092 t1_jbh2unz wrote

Progressives have Shit for brains too. Their "Democratic Socialist" "Defund the Police" Nonsense is Never gonna "Play In Peoria" or any "flyover country", where a guy like Biden pulled in the elderly secret racist dementia voter bloc, which is still Yuge. Every time AOC Tweets out on Columbus Day (oh sorry Indigenous Day) "Columbus was a Genocidal Maniac who Butchered Millions", that's Millions who will NEVER vote Blue.

Progressives & Trumpers have that much in common: Can win primaries, but are Toast in General Elections (oh sure there are 90 - 100 solid Progressive districts in the House, but . . . statewide? Presidential? Fuggeddaboudit! Obama was the closest you'll ever get, & you all H8ted him cause he Smart Bombed terrorists (Good for Him)


H_P_S t1_jbhak6x wrote

>Obama was the closest you'll ever get, & you all H8ted him cause he Smart Bombed terrorists (Good for Him)

mask off moment, opinion discarded