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susinpgh t1_j9gn4bu wrote

Here's a good overview of comparisons to other countries and also within the US

We're 12th when comparing to other peer countries and we are below benchmarks for education spending by some measures. At one time, what you are saying here was true. But it isn't so much true anymore.


wooferstee t1_j9h7txi wrote

Your article shows we are 7 th out of 38 countries 16900 per student that’s quite a large sum and they still can’t read or do simple math


susinpgh t1_j9hf69v wrote

Peer countries is a more important consideration. Also, the education budget isn't keeping up with GDP. It also doesn't meet UNESCO’s benchmark of a 15.00% share of total public expenditure on education.

These are some of the reasons that our education system isn't working at the level that it should.


drxdrg08 t1_j9hxsj0 wrote

> and they still can’t read or do simple math

Who's they? You need to be more specific.

US is very unlike most countries. The population is not homogeneous.

We have an obesity problem. But if you look at people of German ancestry in the US, their rates of obesity are similar to Germans living in Germany.

Education is no different. Some groups have problems. Some do not. Even when they go to the same school.
