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heili t1_j9belbd wrote

If you move out to the rural where people have a shooting range on their property and start complaining about the noise, you're gonna have a bad time.

If you move next door to a farm and start complaining about the smell of cow shit, you're gonna have a bad time.

Moving somewhere and then telling everyone who's already there that they're doing everything wrong and they need to change to suit you is never a good look.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9bfty4 wrote

I live within earshot of 2 gun clubs. I've yet to lodge a complaint.

I lived on a farm as a kid. And live in farm country now. I only complain when driving by a sewer plant. Nothing smells as bad as human poop getting "digested."

But you remain silent about the signs. Guessing you like the mastro and dumpster fire signs....


heili t1_j9bieem wrote

I don't give one shit what kind of political signs people put up on their own property.