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cbini t1_j8oupzh wrote

I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Being critical doesn’t mean dick if you don’t do anything to 1. Help those affected and 2. Prevent it next time. This isn’t a situation you can take your time with.


Tidusx145 t1_j8oxwjb wrote

This happened in Ohio and he is the governor of PA. What are his options? Not trying to gotcha you or anything, but is there much he has the power to do besides use his mini bully pulpit?


Blu_Skies_In_My_Head t1_j8p3gxk wrote

The accident was so close to the border that it may have caused air and water pollution in PA.


cbini t1_j8ozrjz wrote

I’m not really sure what kind of powers a gov has when a “disaster” directly affects their state. But if all he can do is be critical then this article is useless haha


Canopenerdude t1_j8p1nct wrote

Not very many, since the GOP gimped those powers following covid