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Pink_Slyvie t1_ja42d7q wrote

The starting salaries are so low it's not funny. Teachers can't afford to rent an apartment virtually anywhere in the state.

EDIT: Salaries are public information, available here. A few short years ago, these may have been acceptable, but now they have fallen very far behind.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja4ix07 wrote

That’s new really true in PA for must city/suburban teachers.


ktxhopem3276 t1_ja4l8bf wrote

One cause is high pensions take away from current salaries


laneyflitt t1_ja4kk2l wrote

I was only a substitute and could afford and apartment just fine. I’m sure the full time teachers were making a lot more than me. This just isn’t true.


Pink_Slyvie t1_ja51hyn wrote

When? Rents have more than doubled in my rural town in the last 3 years, and substitutes haven't had any increase in pay.


laneyflitt t1_ja52u71 wrote

I moved out of that apartment about a year ago now I think?


Pink_Slyvie t1_ja54cau wrote

Without context, the stars must have aligned. I wish it went that well here.


laneyflitt t1_ja55wcp wrote

Not really, I was single but was still living pretty comfortably for myself. Not saying that teacher salaries aren’t crap, they are, but this narrative of “teachers can’t afford basic necessities” just isn’t true.