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yeags86 t1_j7r9pt8 wrote

I pay a wage tax to work in Reading because I don’t live there. Is it like that for Philly? Live and work there, no tax, commute in, get taxed.

I haven’t actually worked in Reading for 3 years as I am remote now. I still pay it. Not gonna complain because I would like Reading to get it’s shit together.


IndependentCode8743 t1_j7rfkoy wrote

If you live in the city or work in the city you need to pay the tax. So if you live outside the city and are now a remote employee you do not need to pay the tax.

I live in the city and work outside the city, so I pay the tax regardless if I am remote or in the office.

NYC is in a legal battle with NJ/Conn over this issue as its tax base took a serious hit with remote work.