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basement-thug t1_j6wmffa wrote

My bill is usually around $120 during the time they "estimated". Their estimated bill was asking for $380. I was never going to pay that. I'm not a fool. I just took the meter reading and compared it to the last reading before things got messed up. Easy. What will be interesting is why they couldn't do the same thing. They pay a meter reader anyways. The system wasn't so messed up that guy couldn't make it out to read the meters. Something smells like poop in their explanation. There's no logical way my estimated bill would have been that high and it didn't take a data scientist to see that.


ENODEBEE t1_j6zh8o0 wrote

Is your meter read manually? PPL converted to “smart meters” a few years ago


basement-thug t1_j6zi3p8 wrote

They did upgrade it to a digital meter, but I feel like I've been seeing a guy walk around and read it anyways. Dunno to be precise. Are they all now connected to cellular towers? It is possible we don't have a meter reader anymore.