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Nervous_Brilliant441 t1_j3nevo4 wrote

Probably unpopular opinion but Lauren Bacall was even more beautiful than Marilyn imo


HawkeyeTen t1_j3o26ez wrote

I feel like Marilyn looked fake, honestly. One, her hair often looks artificial blonde (unlike say, Grace Kelly), and two, the sex symbol appeal was just overdone. After seeing stuff like How to Marry a Millionaire, non-sexual comedy was much more her knack (I really think she could have ranked up there with Carol Burnett or Lucille Ball if she worked at it). Being a sex symbol will eventually fade, being able to make people laugh never will. Sadly, that's not what the studios and media wanted in her.


neckos t1_j3o3rz9 wrote

Is that Patrick Swayze from Too Wong Fu on the left?


I_am_BrokenCog t1_j3oau9e wrote

Two American Archetypal looks:

The Bimbo Cheerleader and the Sassy Librarian.


14338 t1_j3pesdp wrote

Man. Pretty girls are….pretty.


youneverknow44 t1_j3pkkgq wrote

Bacall was never the same after she took a right hook from Chris moltisanti


LastPlaceIWas t1_j3q6kyp wrote

Most people want to meet Marilyn Monroe, but I think Lauren Bacall is even more interesting. Something about her voice, her walk, her stance--something just so confident. She has the kind of beauty that demands to be taken seriously.


Substantial_Donkey60 t1_j3qampo wrote

Why does Marilyn look like she has way more bottom teeth than a normal person??


Wozar t1_j3qojni wrote

Becall’s eyes are just mesmerising.


Lounat1k t1_j3rj2jq wrote

Lauren Bacall's first cousin was Shimon Peres, the Prime minister of Israel.