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tan-499 t1_j57kkq1 wrote

Olivia Hussey was so hot back in the day.

I can't believe the whole filming her topless while she was 16 is still being discussed.

I remember an interview she did at 16 or 17 and she's smoking a cigarette and drinking a mimosa while giving it.


BadDireWolf t1_j598t9g wrote

Just so I'm clear we are saying it's BAD that the child was filmed topless and then drinking and smoking while discussing it..... right?

Cause the "she was so hot" comment is concerning to me when we are talking about a kid.

Edit: I don't care that you thought she was hot when you were young, I'm saying weird that you sandwiched "I don't know why we are still talking about this" in between "she was hot" and "she smoked and drank young too!" Like that means it wasn't problematic what happened.


tan-499 t1_j59m04h wrote

Some people on Reddit are fucking morons I swear lol. Olivia Hussey is older than I am. If I thought she was hot when she was 15 it's because I was fucking 12 🤦🏻‍♂️


hcashew t1_j5ap69x wrote

"Just so I'm clear" "is concerning to me"

BadDireWolf is the thought police.


BadDireWolf t1_j5ar59z wrote

Things people say out loud are allowed to concern you, and seeking clarification on the matter of a child being victimized is important. I didn't try to police anyone's thoughts, I was clarifying that the comment did not make a jump from "she was hot" and "she smoked as a child" to "so why are we still talking about this?" Which is exactly what the comment said.


BadDireWolf t1_j5aqwya wrote

It was actually your comment that you couldn't believe it was still being discussed ALONGSIDE saying she was hot that worried me. As though it shouldn't be a big deal that she was filmed topless as a kid because she was hot and acted grown about it.


SonnyVabitch t1_j595ev4 wrote

I remember the story of her not being allowed to attend the premier at Cannes (I think), because there were some boobs in the movie. Hers.


tan-499 t1_j59m3ix wrote

That's just urban legend she attended the premiere. Read the IMDb trivia on her


Sun_Devilish t1_j58ms5b wrote

> I remember an interview she did at 16 or 17 and she's smoking a cigarette and drinking a mimosa while giving it.

Sounds like my teenage years.


Bhazor t1_j59a809 wrote

Olivia Hussey was so hot back in the day when she was below the age of consent.


tan-499 t1_j59lv3o wrote

Olivia Hussey is older than I am. She was never below the age of consent for me haha


UpvotesPokemon t1_j583c8f wrote

Yeah.. because that makes her not a child that was exploited by filmmakers… Edit to add: He was exploited as well as a child.


davtruss t1_j59qx61 wrote

Just stop it. There was nothing exploitative about the film for 40 years until somebody decided it was exploitative.

It's like saying Thora Birch was exploited in American Beauty.


UpvotesPokemon t1_j5a8bkf wrote

Dude, I don’t even have words to say how gross this is of you. Especially given the fact that both of these actors are now suing because they were exploited as minors.


davtruss t1_j5asx5d wrote

What's gross is when people in their 70s attempt to cash in on contemporary morals like yours. I very much doubt they can prove either emotional or monetary harm. We shall see.

What you need to remember is that your concept of what's gross is in many cases impertinent.


UpvotesPokemon t1_j5bjsdu wrote

Try to justify this however you can, the fact is that a 16 year old girl and a 16 year old boy should never have been put in the position of having their bodies exposed in a major motion picture. It should never have happened. If you cannot take the actors themselves saying they were exploited as proof, that says a lot more about you than it says about them.


charlesdexterward t1_j5ael7m wrote

Thora Birch is a bad example. There are a lot of behind the scenes stories about her father/manager being really controlling and creepy.


davtruss t1_j5ath8g wrote

She received a BAFTA nomination for best supporting actress....


charlesdexterward t1_j5aznh7 wrote

Okay? What does that have to do with anything?


davtruss t1_j5b3rj5 wrote

It means she was acknowledged for her artistic contribution to an Academy Award winning film. Who hurt you?
