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steppinonpissclams t1_j1xryfb wrote

What model vehicle is that?

Edit: sorry to hear about your Aunt. My condolences.


jmcstar t1_j1xsdkq wrote

That Playboy sticker on the trunk makes this a true classic


Brokenose71 t1_j1y233o wrote

I was thinking these two are siblings , the similarities in posture and expression . I would like to know the story behind the pic and who took the pic . I love these normal pics of families no prep just lucky it turned out . How old are they in this ? Are they close in age ? Thank you for sharing your Aunt with us ❤️.


misa_m OP t1_j1z2987 wrote

Dad was born in ‘59. My aunt was the baby in the family. I think they were sight seeing in his new car and my other aunt took the picture. They would have been in their 20’s in this pic.


Agent101g t1_j2093y1 wrote

Thank god for Japan, childhood as a 90s American boy would have sucked without them.


NPC_Tico t1_j21a3tx wrote

Very cool pic. Im sorry about your aunt. Recieve a big hug!