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Disjunctpalladio26 t1_j25odt9 wrote

One of the sexiest women that has ever lived


aDarkDarkNight t1_j28m10x wrote

I would agree with that. The Heart of Glass video came on last night when I was watching YouTube and I broke the elastic on my underpants.

I remember watching that as a 10 year old.

Broke a lot of elastic then too.


sk8ter99 t1_j25x1d5 wrote

Repost? WHO CARES. Show me every day, I won’t complain


mikebitster t1_j25oz71 wrote

I am getting a raging clue right now


[deleted] t1_j26ac6b wrote

Where’s your clue pointing, Frank? Mines pointing over here… let’s follow it.


hypercomms2001 t1_j26nsct wrote

It is hard to believe that she is 77 now.... I remember 1980 like it was yesterday....


Gibbo1988 t1_j26p55x wrote

Hard to believe she escaped Ted Bundy


pk10534 t1_j274as5 wrote

Wait what


Prickly_artichoke t1_j278kvh wrote

Yeah she said she was walking home from a club one night and a guy in a yellow VW offered to drive her home. She said his car reeked and he looked creepy as hell so she turned it down. When he was arrested years later she realized it was Bundy.


lodger238 t1_j28e5hk wrote

I was still wearing the gown as I drove back to my apartment following my graduation ceremony from college in 1979. On the radio was "Heart of Glass", it was huge.


No-Example-XO t1_j273h25 wrote

An angel over a musical battlefield


kclongest t1_j273z31 wrote

She needs a nibble


No_One_Important-- t1_j27rd2r wrote

When I was twenty, I had an apartment with a girlfriend, who also wasn't bad on the eyes herself. She had a poster of Debbie on the wall opposite of the foot of the bed. Debbie was wearing a beat up sweater and panties--that was it. I "used" that poster quit a bit after my girlfriend went to work...and at "other" times as well.

Total Babe


Zee_tv t1_j2966ic wrote

Looked like Cameron Diaz at first glance


Deadpoolgoesboop t1_j26refn wrote

Getting Anna Faris vibes, if they ever do a biopic she gets my vote to portray Debbie.


RepostSleuthBot t1_j25mnbg wrote

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 11 times.

First Seen Here on 2019-03-10 98.44% match. Last Seen Here on 2022-07-27 98.44% match

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Kaloo75 t1_j25xjx0 wrote

It's ok buddy. We don't mind when it's Debbie Harry. You can take her off the list.