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Bladelink t1_ixri3av wrote

Really! I was sitting here expecting her to be someone from the East because of the post-war timing, and because I'm ignorant and bad at identifying people. That's fascinating though.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrikl0 wrote

Yeah, when I was in the Navy (west coast) I actually had Asian people argue with me about my ethnicity.


Bladelink t1_ixrj3l7 wrote

It's weird to me that people do that. My reaction is more like "oh sorry for presuming, I'm just some moron," lol.


MasterDragon13 OP t1_ixrjp8a wrote

Asking and learning is one thing, and I'm happy to talk about stuff. I grew up in racist areas, so they didn't want to talk, just bully. In that part of Asia/SE too, they thought I was ashamed of my Asian heritage! LoLz. I'm a half breed, obviously, so, you know how that song goes. I can laugh about it now


RunninOnMT t1_ixs8uco wrote

Hahah I’ve definitely had this happen to me. People think I’m Latino (mixed Chinese/white)


Octobersiren14 t1_ixsfu29 wrote

My aunt told me about a customer at her job who just up and started speaking Spanish to her thinking she could understand. My aunt's Filipina and just talked to her in english.


wackyDELYyeah t1_ixug8mk wrote

My dad is the person who will go up to people and start speaking Spanish to them. One time he went up to one guy who was just like “Um, I’m Hawaiian.”


ABKB t1_ixso5d7 wrote

You do a 23andme? I will bet you will be surprised.
