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RoosterRevenge t1_isl0qax wrote

All LBJ did was not veto it, he was very much against it. It was proposed by the republican party and passed both houses of congress with a veto proof majority. Stop trying to make this pos a saint.


mopedman t1_isl5jz3 wrote

That is so absolutely not true. There is no way in hell that legislation would have passed the senate under Kennedy. I suggest you read Caro's biographies of Johnson or really anything about the passage of the 64 bill, while he was definitely a bad man he was instrumental in passing that bill.


RoosterRevenge t1_isld2vo wrote

I suggest you read the congressional record instead of relying on an embellished biography. LBJs party was in the minority in congress there is no way hw could have led legislation. Sorry but facts are facts.


Sidenet t1_isluqmp wrote

Embellished biography? No offense but you living on another planet. Just google the name Robert Caro and read about his thoroughly researched & detailed books on Lyndon Johnson and Robert Moses. Honestly, you are embarrassing yourself.


Necessary-Image-6386 t1_ism1dwf wrote

Rooster is a dumb conservative hick


Sidenet t1_ism3l40 wrote

I’m also conservative. No point in calling names. He just got out over his skis


Necessary-Image-6386 t1_ism4ber wrote

I'm not a conservative. I'm a Black Southern Liberal and I couldn't care less. I'm very much aware of Master of the Senate. The huge doorstop tomes by Caro. Lincoln and Johnson are very important to me.


Effective_Purpose_23 t1_ismcvcm wrote

If I recall right, I believe more Republicans than Democrats voted for this legislation.


RoosterRevenge t1_ismk1pk wrote

Yes. The only people to vote against it were democrats.


Effective_Purpose_23 t1_isoyiot wrote

Actually there were Democrats and Republicans that voted each way. Mostly more support in northern states and less in southern.