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Reddit-username_here t1_itprwd0 wrote

Man, those times feel like they'll never end. But one day you realize they're over.


SarahFabulous t1_itqkfnr wrote

There's a lovely short Irish poem about this. Here's the translation...


There was jam

On the door handle

But I quenched the anger

That rose in me

Because I thought of the day

That the door handle would be clean

And the little hand

Would be gone


missdui t1_itr05nv wrote

Thanks I had a baby recently and my hormones are intense this made me cry for about ten minutes


HolNuMe74 t1_its5e04 wrote

Thanks for this. My boy is now 21. He still lives with me but I know soon he will move out and my god I’m going to miss him. :(


AmericanGoose23 t1_itq0r8v wrote

Then you see a little baby and go oooooh I want a baby!


Reddit-username_here t1_itq2h76 wrote

Hahaha, my wife does, yes. I don't want anymore, she's already planning another for next year. No woman!

Edit: the bastards are adorable though, I'll give them that.


satanslittlesnarker t1_its09ye wrote

There's enough adorable humans on this planet. Congratulations on passing on your genes, now please go get a vasectomy.


Reddit-username_here t1_its0w7y wrote

Nah, I'm gonna knock her up tonight just because you said that.


Blueskymine33 t1_itt7hml wrote

I’m so happy for you both! I wish I could have a follow up report on this procreation. Go forth and multiply beautiful people.