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IamMagicarpe t1_irhjexb wrote

Man.. today’s kids will never know of 90s McDonald’s.


thaddeus423 t1_iri8q87 wrote

The 90s anything. It was a different time and feel that we’ll never live through again.


Patzercake t1_irk18cx wrote

Real talk, my mom use to take me and my siblings to a McDonald's that was about 40 minutes away. It was special though because it was a retro style McDonald's with a life sized statue of superman bursting through the wall and a giant play area off to the side. I wouldn't want to go back as an adult as I don't think it would live up to my memory but in my head it was a magical place.


riefpirate t1_irka79c wrote

I don't think you'd still fit in the playscape anymore.


rodentfacedisorder t1_irhk9xo wrote

When did kids stop having their birthdays in McDonald's?


EeerrEeer t1_irhpwgo wrote

No idea. I remember they got rid of the play pens there too. Mcdonalds just became less fun.


KnowOneDotNinja t1_irhxu5m wrote

Can you imagine how weird someone would look if they had a birthday party at McDonald's these days?


AegMacro t1_irilng2 wrote

It’s no ones fault but McDonalds. They had money and brand recognition, they could have continously improved but they chose to water down their services and establishments. Back then Mcdonalds was an experience and felt premium. Doesn’t feel that way anymore, certainly not in the U.S.


RonStopable08 t1_irhyqe4 wrote

Basically in the late 90’s mcdonalds dropped the clown and his crew in a big way. Most restaurants had the clown on a bench and posters and it was everywhere.

It was kinda the thing for fun places to do, like chuckee cheeses and a few others.

They rebranded to become more profitable, so they got rid of play pens and things like that, and started being open 24/7.

Last thing you want is drunk people vomiting in the ball pit at 2am.

Or drunk ass teens hanging out at the top making out.


rodentfacedisorder t1_iri09b1 wrote

That makes sense. But all the McDonald's around where I used to live, 4 years ago, still had the play areas. No ball pits though. However I don't think the ones around where I currently live have any of that.


calguy1955 t1_irigrl7 wrote

Maybe when the realized that it wasn’t any fun. Look at those faces!


TylerBaraby t1_irhg85y wrote

Is that an ashtray???


hlda_g t1_irhht3x wrote

Smoking in restaurants was still a thing in those days


Patzercake t1_irk39x4 wrote

I'm only 30 but in my lifetime I've been on a flight that allowed smoking.


TylerBaraby t1_irhhzto wrote

That doesn't justify a full ashtray sitting right next to the birthday cake surrounded by children (or adults, for that matter).

Also, I'm pretty sure most places had phased that out by '95, especially at kids' birthday parties.

Edit: Keep embarassing yourselves - my block list is hungry.


graye33 t1_irhj7k9 wrote

Apparently it wasn’t since there’s the photographic evidence


TylerBaraby t1_irho41w wrote

You understand what "most" means, right?

A photo of a single example doesn't invalidate my point, you idiot lol.


Efkey02 t1_irhrnug wrote

The first smoking ban was in 1998 "you idiot"


bandson88 t1_iri75ey wrote

Tyler was probably born in 2005 give him a break


R0osteryo OP t1_iri2e7q wrote

Homie you're just not correct.

You're right that smoking indoors is bad. But it was still normal in 95


breecher t1_irhxd0p wrote

Your point is wrong. Ashtrays weren't phased out in 1995.


CunnyMaggots t1_iri2wep wrote

In 1996, there were still smoking sections in restaurants in Los Angeles County. Nobody cared about anyone's lungs at that point, and it was a couple years later before they outlawed smoking in cars with minors in them. And even as late as 2004, a lot of dicey places still allowed smoking indoors until the authorities showed up, in which case they would hide the ashtrays and open the doors as though no one would know... lol.


osi_layer_one t1_irj4fc2 wrote

> before they outlawed smoking in cars with minors in them

wait, what?


Fluffy_Palpitation31 t1_irms5xx wrote

If this is how you react to your first time seeing a cigarette at a child's birthday party, viewing images from the past may not be a good fit for you.


relpmeraggy t1_irhfyd9 wrote

McDonald’s bday parties were epic, I do remember that much.


bandson88 t1_iri7998 wrote

Same. In the UK the biggest flex of the party was the birthday person and a friend got to tour the kitchen I wonder if that was done in the states? I remember on my 4th birthday my mum made me pick my sister to do the tour with and I was fuming. I wonder how they ever thought children near the deep fat fryer was a good idea


Coryball7 t1_iriapc4 wrote

I have friends who do not believe me that McD’s had cake at one time! That cake was soooo yummy and I’d do anything for a bite now!


MrmeowmeowKittens t1_irhw5am wrote

Make America Great Again, bring back McDonalds birthday cakes!


imprezv t1_irid5qx wrote

I haven't had it since the 80's, but I can still remember the slight chemical aftertaste of the icing


Horror-Ad_406 t1_iri178w wrote

I'm pretty sure you can still order a birthday cake at most McDonald's lol


graye33 t1_irhj4z0 wrote

I had a birthday at McDonald’s for my 4th bday in 97. Still have the plastic plates. I’ll never forget it because I stepped on a bee that stung me right where my big toe and foot meet.


Unplannedroute t1_irif6gg wrote

Why do you have the plates? Just why???


graye33 t1_irijof7 wrote

My family is a genetic pack rat in the nostalgic sense I guess 😭


Barfignugen t1_irih412 wrote

The carousel in the background with the weird burger fish 🥰


Lightningandwine t1_irktuwi wrote

I used to love the Mc Donald’s carousel!! There was a button you could press on the wall to make it stop and go!!!


cowboydownyonder t1_irjy3n2 wrote

pretty much every mcdonald’s (at least in michigan) has changed the whole look of their restaurants. going from colorful and child friendly to gray neutral and dull. i imagine it was some sort of campaign against childhood obesity. not sure if it was mcdonald’s move or someone else. either way life is exceptional boring now


gil_beard t1_irkp48p wrote

I can't even imagine having a bday party at a McDonald's today but back in the 90s it was the place to do it at.


andejm93 t1_irhp6xr wrote

I just got a hella strong memory of that cake flavor from when I was stupid young. Damn.


RonStopable08 t1_irhyrim wrote

I wish i could remember how the cake tasted. I know I’ve had one, but dam i was little


mompacheco t1_iril9gu wrote

As a high schooler working at McDonald's in the late 80s, I served many of those parties in the boat that was the centerpiece of the restaurant.


Techutante t1_irjv0sf wrote

They used to have party packs. You could call ahead of time and reserve a spot for a birthday party. Pay a small fee, they would provide the hats and birthday napkins and some toys. We had boomerangs and minifigs at some parties I had in the 90s. It was all trash plastic, but we loved it at that age.


Wilmore99 t1_irk0rx2 wrote

I remember going to a McDonald’s bday party and getting bit on the forehead by some psycho kid at the party. Don’t want to say his name, but he lives in Florida now (if he’s alive and/or not incarcerated). So I guess it evened out.


stefanica t1_irhm94h wrote

Grandma has strong genes. Look at the right side of the photo. :)


carbonshaman t1_irhscfh wrote

I lived next to a McDonald's when I was a kid and my parents only ever took me there for my birthday parties. They had an actual birthday train-caboose out back and the same cake pictured here.


MRHBK t1_irhzyij wrote

Or Grimmace drugged you with his special purple drink


eve_naive t1_iri23mg wrote

Who puts a cake on a tray and places it diagonally on the corner of a table like that? That’s a recipe for desaster.


EmilyKills t1_iriaomj wrote

This didn't happen to be in Pennsylvania by any chance, did it?


60minutesmoreorless t1_irigub0 wrote

Does anyone remember the organized birthday party contests of who could make the tallest tower out of the styrofoam containers the burgers used to come in? I’m thinking 80’s or very early 90’s


Itisd t1_iriluxz wrote

The pack of Canadian cigarettes and dirty ashtray next to a children's birthday cake would almost be considered criminal today... Ahh the good old days... Lol.

For what it's worth, I seem to remember McDonald's banning smoking inside in Canada around 1990, So I would suspect this picture is older than 1995.


thebipeds t1_irindfg wrote

My grandmother threw a fit when they took out the ashtrays. I have a clear memory of being thrown out with her screaming at them, “damn commies!”


54-2-10 t1_irj16mz wrote

Looks like you were a ladies man


z3r0n3gr0 t1_irjc5y8 wrote

I remember they use to have a playground with that compost wood chips every kids came out all dirty to their parents cars.


TSMbody t1_irjrblp wrote

Didn’t know you were friends with Hermione Granger!


-_Duke_-_- t1_irjxim5 wrote

Kid in the back looks straight out of The Shining.


logica_torcido t1_irjzkfj wrote

That cake looks like a cardboard box. Was it good?


riefpirate t1_irka03e wrote

Does McDonald's still do birthdays ?


LoverboyQQ t1_irnhr0p wrote

Dang y’all had a merry go round in a Mickey D’s


kalleas t1_irjsfzs wrote

that's some white trash shit
