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Independent-Can3983 t1_itip6bw wrote

Looks like she’s about 40


silk_mitts_top_titts t1_itixb42 wrote

She repeated senior year 22 times. Most people had the manners to not mention it. That's her son on the left. She couldn't find a sitter.


tangcameo t1_itkd6zh wrote

My childhood sweetheart did that. As we grew up, she didn’t. She spent a few years extra in high school (probably because her dad was a teacher) instead of just dropping out. Eventually they just tested her and found she’d never finish as she was stuck at 12 yo.


DudFlabby t1_itilsgv wrote

Your mom looks:

A: 50 B: Sick of everyone’s shit C: Like she’s ready to be home with her feet up, a martini in her hand, and reading Dorothy Parker.


[deleted] t1_itioo5b wrote



DrLongIsland t1_itjdz48 wrote

Ahahah it's funny because it's a joke about a woman wanting some sex, see? Ahahaha!


luckysparkie t1_itjemcc wrote

She’s hot…and obviously this pic is older…


not_this_again2046 t1_itio1az wrote

Hervé Villechaize living up to his reputation, I see.


boing757 t1_itj88ed wrote

Any comment that makes me laugh gets an upvote.


GoodboyJohnnyBoy t1_itikytq wrote

Kid on chair been a samplin


6ine9pple t1_itjuo97 wrote

I was thinking based on the kids facial expression mom just shit her pants. Then re read caption and thinking maybe that was op….. op any clarification?


PeteHealy t1_itiw6ko wrote

Ooookay. Maybe I'll leave this sub, since "old-school cool" is getting pretty ridiculous at this point.


thishenryjames t1_itkxnmv wrote

Old School Cool = any photo taken before the year 2000, apparently.


oh-lloydy t1_itipmqw wrote

You see some people who always look old and wonder what they looked like in H.S ^^


[deleted] t1_itivp7h wrote

Sorry everyone is being a prick to your mom


WitchsWeasel t1_itlsmpy wrote

Yeah, it's disheartening ngl. It literally costs nothing to not be a dick.


Darth-Hipster t1_itj5bqf wrote

For a split second I thought it was Delta Burke


katsu_kare_raisu t1_itjrs1c wrote

> parents

> high school

> in the 90s


I'm not ready for this


I guess we really do have a lot of young Redditors here and don't get the meta that 90s is always 10 years ago.


jungyihyun t1_itjzmqt wrote

i mean my mom graduated in the 90s and she’s almost 50 with a 26 yo kid so💀not as crazy as it sounds I guess


atlblaze t1_itl1r49 wrote


If she graduated high school in 1999 she’d be 41 now.

If in 1995, she’d be 44.
If in 1990, she’s be 50.

She could easily be a grandmother by now!


katsu_kare_raisu t1_itlnrsa wrote

And that's the point.

Or maybe you're too young to know what the point was.


Cold_Dragonfruit2799 t1_itixl21 wrote

90s fashion was so good. your mom’s earrings and dress are so chic.


Bobreddit2015 t1_itj78e7 wrote

Two questions. …

  1. What country was she in? I don’t want to assume she was underage dinking. But then …

  2. Why did she graduate HS at 35?


Different_Young9127 t1_itjpi6o wrote

Back before everybody had a cell phone with a camera and couldn't post that Maria's parents were letting kids drink at the grad party you could do things like that. So glad I graduated mid 90s before cell phones and Snapchat Facebook I'm pretty sure the statue of limitations isn't up on some of the shit we pulled "back in the day"


hats_and_heads t1_itl2p5s wrote

Lol I graduated in 2014 and my parents let all of us drink at my grad party. They let me and my friends drink and smoke pot in the basement too. And we got into a ton of crazy shit in high school (and beyond). We all had phones and social media by the time we were in our later teens. I’m sure my experience growing up in the 2010s is not unique, kids didn’t stop being kids just because Instagram was invented.


bustedbuddha t1_itj8beh wrote

I just want to make sure that everyone see's the 10 year old drunk kid right behind her.


AssRubbies t1_itjat0j wrote

Looks like Waterboys gf.


darkoath t1_itirxni wrote

This is a great pic, but if you can't provide other, substantiating pics...imma have to call BS.


kcaJkcalB t1_itiu3ii wrote

She was definitely fuckin


Tuckaho-Joe t1_itio7ai wrote

Makeup has come a long way


Pow4991 t1_itjxswo wrote

Glad your mom graduated at age 27, I’m into it


thevwshepherd t1_itku8ey wrote

I graduated in 2003. While not in the ‘90’s, pictures from that time didn’t look old. It’s strange that they now look like pictures from the 1960’s 😆


sandsaims t1_itkq2hq wrote

You must be Stifler because that looks like Stifler's mom.


BlueArachne t1_itkr5ur wrote

Are you sure that’s not the chaperone?


NotThisClever t1_itlemwc wrote

Folks who are 40+, why the hell are pictures from the 90’s looking more and more like they’re from the sixties??


WitchsWeasel t1_itls4df wrote


the fact that we went so fast from film to digital is still giving us whiplash to this day, and now digital is so ubiquitous that film looks all the same


z3rokart t1_itil269 wrote

Kid on left done seen his purpose in life.


KitWat t1_itin7e2 wrote

NGL, Mom's got it going on.


truxlady t1_itiod0y wrote

All body language suggests she has had a few glasses of that 'punch'. Her hand holding onto the table , slumped posture, very distant look in her eyes…. and the boy behind her, steadying the chair very firmly... probably told her, you better sit down now! And, bf , walking away, saying, NOPE!


Refill_whore t1_itiylk1 wrote

Some people just always look like moms.


GrouchyPuppy t1_itkl99m wrote

Is this a joke or trolling? She’s a 40 year old woman drinking alcohol with her child behind her


RespecDawn t1_itkp7ic wrote

She looks like Old Hollywood! At the age she was she had no business looking so glamourous!


1talk t1_itktdef wrote

I graduated in the 90s… this looks like the 70s 🤷🏻‍♂️


SatelliteJedi t1_itkvpa6 wrote

That's a 32 year old office receptionist named Janet


Shferitz t1_itkwxlj wrote

Also r/13or30


Loud_Fly_1142 t1_itkxrcb wrote

Looks like your momma was a problem back in the day.


Buroda t1_itkzrdv wrote

Bro on the left looks totally zonked


idgafpb t1_itl08c6 wrote

Looking like a young Griselda from Cocaine Cowboys.


Explains_Wrong t1_itl0s9l wrote

She’s short! Her parents look normal size. /s


Psyche_Nu t1_itj92c5 wrote

If I hadn’t read the title I would’ve assumed it was just her slightly younger.


Mpoboy t1_itl5jv1 wrote

Class of 1966? Did you mean party in the 60s?


suressteve t1_itl7dq2 wrote

What, did she graduate at 40?


Easymmk t1_itj2osy wrote

Yo is your Mom's the former ring leader of The Cocaine Cowboys?


Corganator t1_itj5dev wrote

You were lucky to have been born my dude.
