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ink_monkey96 t1_jdunae6 wrote

I don’t mean to be that guy, especially with what you’re going through right now, but there’s a difference between ravaged and ravished, even though they sound really close together. They’re good words and I don’t want to take anything away from you for using them, and in this instance they’re probably fairly interchangeable, but ravished has some … connotations … that you maybe didn’t intend. It’s my pet peeve, I apologize for laying it on you now, but I hope to help you avoid some embarrassment later on.


Life_Roll8667 OP t1_jdv6714 wrote

Really irrelevant. If you didn’t mean to be that guy, then why did you write a whole paragraph? I’m not embarrassed by a misspell, but I would sure be embarrassed to come on someone’s memory and start being a grammar nazi. Respectfully just don’t do that anymore. Thank you.