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Overall-Lynx917 t1_j7kqv0q wrote

How different it must have bee in the 1950's, these vaccines were being rolled out and made a huge difference to people's lives. I remember being at junior school with children in leg-irons because they'd had polio.


warren_stupidity t1_j7l1gkd wrote

I remember the day my mom got the call from dr gissen’s office that they had the vax. She could not get us into the car fast enough. Polio was scary shit.


Clockwork_Medic t1_j7lr2fo wrote

My grandpa went on a sleepover at his cousin’s house when they were around 8 or 9. The next morning when they woke up, his cousin could no longer move his legs. What an absolutely wild time to live through


raspberry_rhino t1_j7m6q75 wrote

My mother was born after, but she's still of a generation that remember classmates never coming back, and suffering mumps. I had all vaccines as soon as possible, and she's taken all covid vaccines as soon as she could.


Remorseful_User t1_j7ltt5w wrote

Polio mounting a comeback. Thanks Republicans!


TooOldForThis--- t1_j7m515f wrote

A lot of anti vaxxers are crunchy granola home birth types and definitely not Republican. At least here in California.


walksinchaos t1_j7mde3e wrote

anti-vaxxers are a odd grouping. The anti-vax conspiracy has people from the extreme left, extreme right and those between the two.


JollyGreenGiraffe t1_j7mgb7w wrote

My uncle eats crunchy granola for breakfast and black coffee. It's good for you.


emfrank t1_j7mwhep wrote

It started on the hippy left, but has definitely moved to the right