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Not2daydear t1_jaa0gqt wrote

Dude I grew up in the 50s I don’t have to go back and look at anything I was there. Funny, my brother and I both had shotguns and we both had BB guns. Do you wanna know another funny thing? We didn’t shoot anybody. We didn’t aim at anything except the intended targets. Schools and shoot up people. We didn’t go into banks and rob them. we didn’t hold them up to peoples heads and steal their car. We didn’t get our asses bent out of shape when people corrected us and run home and get our guns and put a bullet through their head. Do you wanna know why we didn’t do any of that? Because we weren’t dumb shits, who didn’t have any control over ourselves and understood the consequences of that type of behavior. Just because there are so many mentally ill, mentally unstable, full-time, asshole thugs, who want to be glorified by using a gun, the way it is not meant to be used Does not mean that the rest of us don’t know how to use them correctly.