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TheMulattoMaker t1_j9n3q08 wrote

Is this that dumbass from the other day...

checks post history

...yup. Homie, you got to be the lamest motherfucker on Reddit. Are you just, like, staring into a mirror with your endless parade of "nOt cOoL"s? 'Cuz you're pretty sad bruh


littlewaltie t1_j9p5vfx wrote

I forgot about those long, flowy skirts. Very popular in the early-mid 90s :)


kennystetson t1_j9p7ugt wrote

I find it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that the 90s is considered "old school" as if it was a relic from some distant past.

I'll probably still be saying this in 30 years time


Smirkin2408 t1_j9pddbx wrote

I wore those flowy broomstick ankle length skirts with the big shirts ALL the time.

I graduated from high school in 1998–this looks very 1990s to me. Yes we had color photography but this shot looks to me like something I might have taken around school on an old black and white Pentax camera while I was in photography class. (It was one of the “shop” classes at my public school along with metal shop and wood shop. Do they still do those classes anymore?)

Also the “yearbook kids” took black and white photos and developed themselves which nobody did with color photos at the time. Since there weren’t cell phone pics and Polaroids were a little old and big to carry around you didn’t really take a lot of pictures in school at all and most of the ones I remember where black and white from those school cameras.

People did use disposable cameras a lot for trips and vacations and out of school. But I really don’t remember many kids taking pictures in the halls with them and getting them developed at the drug store. Maybe teachers didn’t allow it —can’t remember. It also cost $$ to get color pics developed so you didn’t take as many candid shots.


ChickAboutTown t1_j9qor6u wrote

Oh, the gypsy skirt. I am sure I had one almost exactly like the girl on the right.


BurstEDO t1_j9r3ped wrote


Tons of rando candids that all featured largely the same people because so many people would notice a camera and scurry. It's also why so many yearbook shots of candids are rarely head-on.

And by the time you got the film back from an event (this was pre-digital) you had to make due with whatever you had.

Many schools (like mine and probably OPs) had limited numbers of color pages while the rest were Black/white due to costs.

Finally, that outfit is 100% 1992. Pop culture always digs up the extremes from the early 90s, including "grunge" style from about 93-96, but these girls are styled fairly mainstream for the era (among teens.)

A part of me will always miss and enjoy some of mid 90s fashion (minus the shoulder pads and associated fashions.) Yes - shoulder pads for women lasted LONG into the 90s. You can cross reference with several sitcoms and dramas from the era.