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swimteam69 OP t1_itj9o9q wrote

>I want better for Newark, not shit talking it.

You know Newark was better like 50s and 60s right? You know that it was divested for decades. Why can we not ask better for our cities? We need to ask more for it. I noted something as simple as trash cans in our streets more. That is a rather simple fix. I walk up and down streets by weequahic and broad street. I carried trash for at least half a mile to avoid not littering.


mrkirlew t1_itjefwf wrote

Ownership of people that actually LIVE IN NEWARK. 75 percent of Newark are renters. That means the landlord lives in another town. That means the people that are paid to take care of Newark just need to do the minimum. Who is going to call their council people to take care of Newark. Renters in Newark dont even know who to call if something goes wrong in their apartment. Who is going to call their respective precincts to walk their neighborhood. Most people don't even know their precinct. I just moved to Newark from Brooklyn and I see people who don't even know they in a billion dollar town. It's Deja Vu. Don't worry in ten years you going to see trash cans everywhere.


swimteam69 OP t1_itn3yic wrote

>75 percent of Newark are renters.

That is too high, owning a home is biggest wealth tool for americans. Newarkers effectively cannot build wealth with homes. What else can they do?


sutisuc t1_itjg25c wrote

I want it to be better too but I’m not expecting it to be equivalent to NYC, that’s absurd


swimteam69 OP t1_itjlkfh wrote

Fair, the comparison is easy to make though but fair.


Njmomneedz t1_itl19rm wrote

I would love to do a cleanup with the community


mrkirlew t1_itl255l wrote

Cleanups are done weekly. Just contact your council person