Submitted by [deleted] t3_y88o8e in Newark

If you support the tower, please have your voice heard. These boards only ever hear from people who are against projects.

Upcoming Project The Arc Tower 569 & 571 - 577 Broad Street - 45 Story, Multi-family residential building

344 units plus 1 Retail unit Please click on the link below to join the meeting on Wednesday, October 19th at 6 PM:

Meeting ID: 883 8911 6881 Password: 225169 One tap mobile +16469313860,,88389116881#,,,,*225169# US “Please take notice due to COVID-19 pandemic and the need to social distance while avoiding public assembly, this meeting will be held virtually via Zoom”



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Kalebxtentacion t1_isz06hg wrote

They moved the meeting up that good. Everyone who wants development, everyone who wants buildings in Newark, everyone who wants to see our beautiful city stand out and make Jersey city it’s shadow come to this meeting. If halo tower 3 can do it this can too.


DrixxYBoat t1_isz1xf0 wrote

Good post, I'll do my best to make it


Nathanial_Jones t1_iszg5fz wrote

Is there any specific procedure for speaking? I'd love to lend my voice in support, but I'm not especially familiar with the operations of these sorts of meetings.


[deleted] OP t1_iszkek7 wrote

There should be a public comment period after the professional testimony. Members of the public get like 3 or 5 minutes to speak. You can’t question the attorneys or other members. It’s just your comments on the application.

This is the Landmarks Commission so they will likely be hearing two applications. One for the demo of the existing buildings and one for the design of the new tower. They will be grilling the applicant on why the existing buildings need to be demolished and how the new building fits the character of the community. So your comments should try to support those items. You’ll get a feel for what the commissioners think during their questions.


AgitatedAorta t1_it01qe0 wrote

Goddamn, what a shitshow. The Landmarks Commission and the lawyer are all so unprofessional. I'm for the tower, and the lawyer is doing such a terrible job at presenting his case and holding his temper. If I were the developer, I'd fire him immediately after this meeting.


[deleted] OP t1_it0568p wrote

Okay, this was a community meeting not the landmarks commission meeting. That’s why it’s so tense and a free for all. They hate Calvin because he’s always trying to build stuff that isn’t just row houses.


Kalebxtentacion t1_it4gzde wrote

Guys idk about this tower, like I want to be very positive about this. They people in the meeting were complaining about the height were halo tower 3 is literally one story less than this tower even though this tower is 520 feet and not 485. If halo can do it this can too, praying the November second meeting goes well, if it doesn’t get approved maybe instead of making the tower all glass maybe they can add some art deco to it. Because the people of James street are crazy.


felsonj t1_it81tyg wrote

Typical NIMBY bullshit. I wish I was there to speak. I thought the next meeting was in November. I think we should start organizing a Newark YIMBY group to attend any and all such meetings and provide a counterweight to this nonsense.

Didn’t members of that James St group also oppose the new NJIT dorm, Maple Hall, because NJIT was replacing an empty burned out old school school? Those people act as though Newark was a site of ancient ruins to be preserved for archeologists.

Reminds me of the NIMBYs who opposed the 1 South Willow development in Montclair. They preferred a long vacated social security building, a parking lot and a tire shop to a six story mixed use development. That new development has totally transformed that corner, breathing new life into what had been one of Montclair’s uglier blocks.

The collective impact of NIMBYism is a major reason why housing is so expensive. We must find ways to limit their perverse impact every way we can.

See for example: