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surrealchemist t1_jd86l73 wrote

I’d contact the office of your council member, or somebody else like that. The city workers are probably just following protocol but if people start calling governing bodies to let them know it’s something you care about it might become more of a priority.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd876dt wrote

Will definitely do that. Thanks for the idea, I know some other neighbors were pissed about the other trees too. I'll try to get others involved as well.


Ironboundian t1_jd87tbl wrote

Yes. I know you've been here since 2012....but it's an uphill battle if you love trees. Business owners complain about them blocking visibility of their stores. Homeowners complain that the roots cause plumbing damange and make sidewalks crack and create lots of leaves and all three things cause costs for homeowners. PSEG complains that the branches cause power outages. So everyone is stacked up against you and will cut down the trees on their own with or without the city permission.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd88t2y wrote

This was the city though. No store front, no raised sidewalk, I'm not sure about plumbing issues, but we've never had anyone out because of the tree, never had a power outage because of it either. I would absolutely understand if there was an issue with it. But to cut it down just to simply cut it down without anyone complaining about it makes no sense to me.


Ironboundian t1_jd8aa6n wrote

I'm not saying they are right....just that the City channels all those constituencies. Plus another poster said how dead trees and branches fall on cars or people too. Could be the City covering their butt from a liability perspective. If someone called 311 to say it was dead and the city did nothing and then the next day a branch fell on a car.....well there you go.


Daydreaming_Bitch OP t1_jd8bbqp wrote

Right, but I'm sure they have a way to test to see if a tree is dead. The city said they just decided to cut it. Sad to see it go.