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GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j7u0xbp wrote

I’m glad the city is trying to tackle this problem but we really need federal and state resources. To operate shelters and provide supportive housing.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7wnn50 wrote

They're making an effort now because they probably were told by these luxury apartment developers our tenants don't want to have to walk through a sea of homeless around Newark Penn station. Because for 18 years I've been around in that area and they didn't start doing anything about the homeless until all these luxury buildings were announced


lookingtocolor t1_j7y5x9r wrote

Awful reason for something to be done to help, but at least 500+ people are off the street. I hope it's not just temporary to move them away from higher income areas like other cities favorite way to deal with it.


MDNTNWK t1_j87wk73 wrote

Not to be the debby-downer or shit talker;

But wasn't this the SAME administration that had a "Needy-Persons Ban" that restricted unhoused folks coming in from NY from using their SOTA vouchers? Or creating a law that would fine those same folks 500 dollars in the same year of 2019?

And to be fair- I've seen a bit of uhh..Anti-homeless architecture in downtown- which..isnt good?


sutisuc t1_j8ev0t7 wrote

Baraka doesn’t care but it gives him good press to make it seem like he does. It’s good regardless but dude is a political chameleon who will morph himself into whatever he needs to in order to gain positive attention.