Submitted by ODDBOY90 t3_10wlelg in Newark

NOT JUDGING OR LOOKING DOWN ON ANYONE. Do what you gotta do to survive i get it.

Im not familiar with newark but ive heard of its reputation back in the days. so as of right now if i moved there what would i get. in comparison to philly, jersey city, brooklyn, camden, detriot, where does newark fit.

I dont care about if its gentrified, the demographics, any starbucks, if any yoga classes, teens playing loud music or if theres trash on the floor, or none of that non trivial stuff.

i just want to know mainly the crime rate. Is it like every other city where you need common sense, or are people in newark getting it in.

Im 6'2 200 something pounds , and got a nice one two combo, so i think i can handle myself alright. but my cousin not so much lol..........for his sake and for mine lowkey, is newark ok to move to. Im not even judging either i just at this point in my life dont want any drama or deal with B.S.

also newark is actually within my budget in comparison to other places. but i feel like there must be a catch..... My first choice would be somewhere in NY near NYC, second hudson county NJ, and third is around hudson county nj.... And why is orange county nj so Cheap..



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aTribeCalledLemur t1_j7nv38n wrote

Don't know your budget but the parts of Newark that people consider "the safest" like Downtown, Ironbound and Forest Hill are also going to be the most expensive.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7nx4df wrote

yeah see thats what i wanna know if i went to the affordable cheapest part of newark i know in certain peoples eyes it may not best the safest but im no geek on the street. i just want to know what am i dealing with. should i be equipped ready to go at all times, or is that not needed cause people aint doing that no more and i just need common sense.

Like if i at 2 am want to go grab some milk, would it be suicide going out a night to go to the store or its not that crazy and is like every other city where you just need to mind your surroundings. or if i got a ps5 or some expensive item would i FOR SURE be a target or for the most part are people minding they business unless i came across a theif.

again newark could look like crap and have trash and paper everywhere, IDGAF, i just care about the crime. like How active is it. cause im seeing decent prices but theres always a catch. my range for rent is 1200- 1500... AND FOR NOW WHEN I GET MY MONEY UP ILL UPGRADE OR MOVE IDK.


ilovemytvalot t1_j7nzes6 wrote

I live in forest hills and genuinely love it here. It's definitely one of the safer and cleaner sections in Newark. I'm a single, female, I don't share my weight but I do feel very safe here. My neighbors keep to themselves but we occasionally head nod to one another. There is definitely a high rise in package thefts and car break ins but I am not afraid to walk around my neighborhood just more cautious with my mail.


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7o75mw wrote

ok well what if i wanted to play with my shiny new ipad m1, no headphones either, im just jamming and ride my golden moped 2 am outside while singing spice girls, would that be like a batsignal for the wolves to come get me or would i just be viewed as a little off in the head


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7o7qp7 wrote

nice to hear i thought you said forrest hills NY lol. but ok thats good to know. if the worst is my stuff being stolen id take that anyday. and again im not knocking no one, i just want to live and not be a victim.

again thanks alot


Marv95 t1_j7oh461 wrote

There is no Orange County NJ. You mean Orange County NY?

This isn't the 90s. The crime rate is better than all of those cities you mentioned except JC and Crooklyn, and even in those 2 I'd be careful if you're not in a stable area. The problem with Newark is the blight which can attract the hood types causing trouble. But for a nice, stable hood I'd stick to North Newark like Forest Hill and Upper Roseville. Ivy Hill/West Vailsburg in the West Ward is more affordable and okay if you're not on the main drag like Mt. Vernon Place or S. Orange Ave.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7oomk6 wrote

Mind your business and pay attention to your surroundings and don't be a hero and you will be just fine


ODDBOY90 OP t1_j7opqv7 wrote

Oh wow i thought jersey city was safer than newark? Brooklyn is brooklyn even when i lived in NY i knew about Brooklyn. my friend got murdered in crown heights back in 2011.

but thanks alot for the info.


dsarma t1_j7p3juv wrote

The thing about crime in Newark, especially violent crime and such, is that it's not really involving random people on the street. It's between people who know each other and have beef with each other. With most cities, you can reduce the crime rate with education and community outreach. However, when it's your cousin being a punk, no amount of community outreach is going to prevent the dumb fuck from stirring up a fight.

You remember how there was all that talk about stranger danger in the 1990s? And then you looked at statistics, and saw that the vast VAST majority of kidnapping, molestation, rape, etc was done by people that the child already knew, and that there wasn't this huge mess of strangers eager to steal some punk ass kid? That's the deal with violent crime in Newark. Nobody is going to jump you for your discount Nike shoes, and GAP Outlet jeans. They don't give a crap.

What will happen is that people will solve their issues with fists instead of words, but that doesn't really involve innocent bystanders. If you're generally a good person, people will leave you alone. I'm a skinny gay dude swanning about the neighbourhood, and nobody gives a fuck, because I mind my own business, and keep it moving.

EDIT: If you leave your bike locked up to something with a cheap ass chain, it's going to get jacked. Keep an eye on your crap, and you'll be fine. Also, be friendly to the unhoused people hanging around. They're not going to bother you, but an acknowledgement of "good morning" or something isn't going to hurt you. The most that someone will ask is if you can spare a buck or two for a coffee or if someone can bum a cigarette. A simple, "sorry, I'm out, but good luck" will go far. Your kindness is rewarded with information, like "Hey, that door over there is locked right now. Try that next one over," and everyone around there keeps an eye on you to make sure nobody's bothering you.


ilovemytvalot t1_j7p3v3c wrote

If you move to Newark I think you will be genuinely surprised by how much better it is compared to the reputation it has. Granted, it was one of the most dangerous cities for a while but it truly has had some major changes for the better. Good luck with your search!


AdRevolutionary8544 t1_j7pcs1r wrote

Yeah no one really bothers you if you say “sorry I don’t have anything to give you”. There was one guy who asked me 3 times in 3 days on the same block lol. I was like “you should probably know by now I don’t have change”


Chelseafc5505 t1_j7pec8e wrote

Hell, I'd come outside and smack you if you were doing that outside my house at 2am.

>would that be like a batsignal for the wolves

Wouldn't that be a wolf signal?

Also, not much wildlife in Newark. Definitely don't need to worry about being savaged by wolves.

Stray cats however...


cmonsquelch t1_j7pfesr wrote

It's awful. Residents routinely are mauled by zombies and bitten by vampires. Best suggestion is to stay away unless you want to be a walking dead


NefariousNaz t1_j7q45vx wrote

Depends on where you're at I'd imagine.

Its probably similar to living in Brooklyn. When I was in Brooklyn I regularly got mugged from middle school through high school, but I was also out walking about more.

I'm a former Rutgers student and I regularly get emails about students being attacked and robbed. So there's that.


dsarma t1_j7q7lq7 wrote

In the cases where I see the same people at the same spots, I’ll frequently grab like a wrapped cookie or something, and give it to the person. “Hey, I don’t have cash, but I have a cookie if you want?” Usually met with a smile.


OpportunityPlayful70 t1_j7qaa6w wrote

Nah m, you’re on point.

As a person who’s been on both sides of the fence in my multiple lives on this earth (not proud of it), I can attest that Newark is mostly a “mind your business” city.

Obviously you need to have street smarts and situational awareness, but most of the violent crime is done to gang members/street people against other gang members & street people.

That’s not to say that innocent people aren’t victims of crime and random acts of violence or thievery… but that’s usually done by desperate people like crackheads.

The neighborhood’s robbing crews are usually robbing other drug dealers & people they think have some real money. The neighborhood shooters are usually shooting at people they perceive a threat or already shot at one of their own.

The people snatching women’s purses or robbing innocent people for their phones are usually drug addicts, homeless people or young kids who are generally considered “crumbs” in the underworld. Crimes against civilians civilians brings police aka “makes shit hot”.

Increased Police presence & patrols isn’t ever good for anyone who makes a living doing crime.

Look… I know shit happens to innocent people and I swear I’m not minimizing that at all… but minding your business goes a long way in the city & believe it or not there are some great blocks in what people call “bad neighborhoods”.


OpportunityPlayful70 t1_j7qamda wrote

I was talking to someone who was telling me how he got robbed in newark and how bad it was, yadda yadda yadda, right?

As I started to ask questions and the conversation progressed, I found out he was in the projects @ 9pm trying to buy something.


Yea, no shit.


recnilcram t1_j82fq1e wrote

There are a bunch of threads to search for "moving to newark" that can clue you in on specific neighborhoods. Short answer is you're fine, and whatever connotation you have is outdated.

I'm a 5' 8", 220 lbs white guy living in downtown and I've never had a problem. The most my friends have had is someone screaming at them by Penn Station or panhandling.

I just came back from a bike ride meandering throughout all of downtown and part of the ironbound, dressed in my office clothes and wearing a fancy helmet with built in lights. No one ever bothers me. That includes the 5am walks home from the bar or with friends.

Of course you got neighborhoods to be mindful of. Once you ID a certain area we can get you more details.