Submitted by eastaleph t3_10r4g58 in Newark

Before the pandemic, I ran a (single) Newark Reddit meetup. People have asked about it and I think things have improved enough to do it, but I wanted to see what the subreddit thought.

What I'm currently thinking is a downtown location at the end of February. Not sure how often I'd want to run it - but probably around every other month?

Your thoughts and opinions are very welcome because I'd love to run this again. Last time it was well received and I hope to keep that going.



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i-am-ajpowell t1_j6v34dr wrote

If you did it, I’d go. I live in downtown Newark and I constantly marvel at how little there is to do in this town after hours.


Nathanial_Jones t1_j6vv7en wrote

I'd be down to go. This sub has really been moving in an activist direction, and I think meeting in person would only strengthen that.


GhostOfRobertTreat t1_j6wzfrz wrote

Might be easier to piggyback in an existing event like Newark First Fridays.


aTribeCalledLemur t1_j6xya19 wrote

I'm across the river in Harrison but would definitely be interested.


Smoke_DMT420 t1_j6yky41 wrote

There's a group of us meeting tomorrow at Kilkenny's for a comedy show. I can dm you the invite


ScrollHectic t1_j734qjo wrote

I'm all in for a meetup. Need help organizing?


HudsonGuy91 t1_j7i1q2n wrote

Absolutely interested. Hope I can make it.