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junostation t1_j6595w7 wrote

I think it all depends on what I feel while listening to the song. Sometimes the words just seem to get in the way, other times they're what take it from a good song to a great one. An example of this is "What Sarah Said" by Death Cab for Cutie. Beautiful instrumental made better with extremely well-written lyrics.


amorningofsleep t1_j65195q wrote

I wouldn't say I don't enjoy them, but the older I get the less I really care about lyrics. Most of the stuff I listen to is instrumental and scream heavy anyway.


my_guy____ t1_j651k4i wrote

I like to mix listening instrumental and lyric heavy stuff. Depends on the day. You’re not alone though.


Gathose1 t1_j65nxct wrote

That's good! At least I'm not the only one lol.


GrapefruitComplex126 t1_j651yk0 wrote

My opinion is lyrics were never an important part of music to me until I bought my first set of good headphones that gave all the instruments more room. Now I can hear everything. Now I listen to songs more based off their meaning (tout le monde and fade to black being a few)


[deleted] OP t1_j676g2i wrote

I'm with you. I try to appreciate music more for the raw sensory expression and not the concepts thrown at you with verbal language. It makes all music more open to interpretation.

I can still enjoy a song that's selling an idea but really, most of the time I'm ignoring that because it feels like a 'cheat' for a lack of a better word.


Gathose1 t1_j68ijzn wrote

I very much agree with this. I enjoy words for what they are, but ultimately I find that they take away from my own interpretation of the music. I enjoy the feeling more than the story that supposed to go with them.


Charming-Twist-7514 t1_j68yz5n wrote

I ignore the lyrics when I am multitasking


Gathose1 t1_j68zqjb wrote

I listen to drum n bass when I'm multitasking because I do the same thing.


Charming-Twist-7514 t1_j68zxa9 wrote

I love being able to notice the bass. It’s fun to listen multiple times to pick out different instruments


Gathose1 t1_j699s3r wrote

Agreed. It's like hearing it differently every time.


Uranus_Hz t1_j65ayor wrote

Music has lyrics?

Seriously, I’m all about the groove and the instrumentation. I rarely pay any attention to the lyrics.

Probably why I find rap so boring and repetitive.


Ok_Remote_2714 t1_j66j1fb wrote

I treat the voice like another instrument because of vocal lessons, listening to opera on the radio at bedtime, and a whole lot of classical music growing up.

So like while instrumental music is my go to, I don't mind lyrical music. I like lyrical music that does interesting things with the vocal performance more than just a standard setup song, if that makes sense.