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noopenusernames t1_j5hrda9 wrote

As a trans-person who doesn’t guzzle major media’s balls like you clearly do, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.


moose2332 t1_j5ic7qk wrote

I don't need to read major media to read the public statements and the laws written by right ringers who block a gasket because gay people exist.


noopenusernames t1_j5ig92p wrote

What the fuck are you even on about?


moose2332 t1_j5igu15 wrote

The literal laws passed by real humans that want to ban gay people from children's books that all these anti-woke people jerk themselves off to


noopenusernames t1_j5iqstq wrote

Ok? Sounds like you’re complaining about the opposite side of a wide pendulum swing, with similar ridiculous shit happening on the other side of the swing. How about we just get back to neutral?


moose2332 t1_j5isupu wrote

One side: Put a rainbow on an album cover 50 years ago

Other side: Ban gays from the children

You: These are too equally extreme sides


noopenusernames t1_j5izygs wrote

No. But good job attempting to make it look that extreme. Sounds like you you need some handholding to understand this critical-thinking level concept;

Here’s what 2 proper extremes would look like;

One side: “Let’s fire a teacher for not calling a student a cat when the student claims to be “cat”-gendered.”

Other side: “Let’s cancel a band because they redesigned an album cover and put a rainbow on it, which we think they did because of woke social justice warriors and not because the original cover also featured a rainbow 50 years ago.”

There, now you see how both of these present a very extreme scenario, but originating from groups of people on both sides of the “woke” movement? That’s a better example.

Except one of these statements is about something that actually happened, and the other is a fake, socially-engineered attempt to rile up one or both sides to keep them bickering with each other, assuming they’re the kind of people guzzle the balls of this sort of media bullshit enough to believe it. Which segues me nicely back to my original point…