Submitted by Careless_Leadership5 t3_10b4v3p in Music

If you’re easily offended by some random guy online, don’t comment.

This is supposed to be fun.

I’m going to be brutally honest and tell you if I think your song is shit or if I like it.

I wasn’t very impressed with my last post, I’m going to be honest.

There were a few bangers I liked, but nothing more.

I expect you guys to really impress me, no mainstream shit. Just do your next favorite song if it mainstream

I won’t listen to it unless it’s on Spotify.



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thisizusername t1_j48904z wrote

Here is what offends me. You are all over the place with this. Is this a roast session, a request for suggestions or just some weird attempt at self-aggrandization?

Pick one.


Atomicityy t1_j48ak4x wrote


> This is supposed to be fun.

Tell me your favourite songs and I will trash them, weehoo! Are y’all having a good time? 🤠


thisizusername t1_j48djfp wrote

It actually might be if OP was as knowledgeable on music as he claims to be, AND the responses were clever.

However, you can expect biting critiques such as



‘This is your favorite song?’

Here you go OP, stay in your lane:


DuckCrimes t1_j48grf9 wrote

Lol you don’t care about our music taste you just want to roast the crap out of some people


Careless_Leadership5 OP t1_j48v2e7 wrote

Why would anyone care about your music taste? This is a service for yourself. I benefit because I find new music.


Notinyourbushes t1_j48952k wrote

What the hell, I'll bite. I'll even give you 3 of my favorite songs:

Edit; spotify's too limited. Good luck.

Distance to substance
He (hips)


Careless_Leadership5 OP t1_j48wbu3 wrote

First one is average Second song I like more, it’s nice Third song is above average. It sounds very cool.


Notinyourbushes t1_j4akagm wrote

Bleach03 is an amazing group. Three tiny little Japanese girls who hit harder than most American punk and metal groups do.


thisizusername t1_j49d2k3 wrote

I’ll agree with OP on song 3. I’ve never bothered to listen to Ministry, but I think it’s time for me to dig in a bit on their work.


Notinyourbushes t1_j4ak5ov wrote

Earliest albums are mostly skippable. What you want to hit are; Land of rape and honey, the mind is a terrible thing to taste and Psalm 69. They were on a hot streak. After that it gets more hit or miss. First two Revolting Cock albums are well worth checking out too.


DatWolf07 t1_j48nnev wrote

“Rat Repellent” - Ultrasonic Pest Repeller


GoonTycoon69 t1_j48vc3b wrote

Idk if it’s my favorite but the song I’ve been banging lately is “Into the Black Hole” by Ayreon ft. Bruce Dickinson.


irondog326 t1_j48w5kk wrote

First how old are you?


Careless_Leadership5 OP t1_j48wjh6 wrote

Irrelevant question. I like all decades of music.


irondog326 t1_j49temh wrote

Just a question, like to know how old the person asking the question. Let's me know what Era they probably like more. I'm 53.


Snoo-33910 t1_j48x3lk wrote

Too Cool Queenie- Stone Temple Pilots


MoneySike3000 t1_j48xok5 wrote

Well you gave my Steve Vai song a 6.5 and that was fair because music hits us all differently. I chose the Vai song because it constantly changes timings. I wanted to pick one that would sound foreign to most music listeners ears. Okay, Pick#2 will come from a completely different angle. The song is New York is Alright if you Like Saxophones by the band FEAR.


MaureenSteel t1_j49239r wrote

Just do this for songs on this subreddit that has 25 upvotes and over within the last five hours.

I look forward to your interesting comments.


juicyb09 t1_j493nds wrote

Pneuma - Tool


[deleted] t1_j484mmg wrote



festering-gob t1_j48514k wrote

Holly Cole does a great version of this. I knew it was a remake, but I had no idea it was the Beatles! Thanks for this.


k4zzp3r t1_j485i7o wrote

The Goastt - Moth to a flame


Atravir t1_j486p5n wrote

Alter bridge - watch over you live acoustic


smashiecake t1_j486szn wrote

This Loneliness Won't Be the Death of Me - Being as an Ocean


sorry not trying to impress just being honest its my fav lol


Odd-Corgi6641 t1_j489h2i wrote

Moonlight on Vermont by captain beef heart and his magic band