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chojinra t1_j1gzr8f wrote

Does anyone know the actual facts on the case? Not I heard, or I read, but the official versions from those involved and witnesses?

I am honestly asking as I didn’t care enough about this story to keep up with it, but I’m hearing conflicting things.


griffenkranz t1_j1i1p1x wrote

Doesn’t asking Reddit for what happened constitute something you’ve “heard”? Lol


chojinra t1_j1i2m1o wrote

It’s more asking people who might have followed the case what are the actual particulars of it, and maybe sources of that info I can check out. I did google it for a bit, but the news feeds weren’t that helpful.


Kslooot t1_j1hv0gu wrote

There was eye witness testimony stating that they saw him shoot the gun multiple times when he claimed only Kelsey shot the gun. Don’t really need to know much else, he wasn’t charged with battery.