Submitted by TheRealDMiLL t3_z6h8t9 in Music

Anyone talk about how in the beginning it says gay gay gay gay gay go go away and that this video is about how the police and some people are using chaos to spread fear so that we cannot love each other and ascend our consciousness; hes grooving out and then all of a sudden BAM, "this is america, dont catch you slipping now" note how in the song when there is happiness its stopped with the fear and earieness where we are fed get money and be competitive instead of showing love and understanding towards each other. If this seems wrong to you its because youve been highly conditioned to fear homosexuality. People are being made to be afraid of acknowledging any sort of attraction towards the opposite sex. What could be wrong with that? Are you thinking rationally or are you deciding based on fear? WATCH THE VIDEO AND BE WARY PEOPLE WILL TRY TO HIDE THE TRUTH

And try not to let people get you all caught up on whether it says gay lol the point isnt just about that but generally how theyre using fear to pull people away from love and happiness. Watch the video with that in mind; thats what hes showing.

I literally tried listening to it to see if it even sounds like its saying yeah yeah; and it doesnt; it definitely is saying gay. Then uses we just want to party phrase to like push out the idea of homosexuality. Like I said it will be hard to acknowledge due to conditioning.

BE CAREFUL THEY MAY FLOOD COMMENTS THAT JUST COMPLETELY IGNORE THE TRUTH AND IT COULD MANIPULATE YOU. When your fear is high, your rationality will be at its lowest. Also I want to add; idk if the phrase I used saying homosexuality is just loving each other is the best; so im going to edit that out.



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Affectionate_Crow327 t1_iy1c773 wrote

Those aren't the lyrics though


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1cpzd wrote

Rewatch the video


RobocopsRobocock t1_iy1dbuq wrote

You know you can just google the lyrics.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1dr0z wrote

Yea but that doesnt mean the ones put up are the lyrics; on genius they arent confirmed by donald.


RobocopsRobocock t1_iy1f2js wrote

You think every lyric site is wrong?


[deleted] t1_iy1o5nv wrote

Not to mention they claim this but then claim the lyrics must be gay? Last time I checked donald did not confirm this.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1ebpn wrote

I literally tried listening to it to see if it even sounds like its saying yeah yeah; and it doesnt; it definitely is saying gay. Then uses we just want to party phrase to like push out the idea of homosexuality. Like I said it will be hard to acknowledge due to conditioning.


[deleted] t1_iy1l26b wrote

As someone who's literally gay, has Google, and youtube. Those are not the lyrics. Why are you so keen on the idea that he's talking about homosexuality and then blame anyone who doesn't hear that as just conditioning or homophobia? Can I see your MRI scan?

Not to mention the rest of the lyrics directly under the Yeah Yeahs is about a woman he meets, something tells me he's not a woman but what do I know lmaoo

It's clear that this song is about the hardships of African Americans and dealing with violence. please don't try to take the meaning from him, his song and his culture.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1m78c wrote

It doesnt say yeah yeah youre lying. Theres no decipherable lyrics under that part about a woman and if they are whats it saying and whats it about. Stop trying to manipulate people if you are. People WILL find out the truth.


[deleted] t1_iy1n2t7 wrote

Lol ok. I mean I have it literally in my browser. Let's say "in your opinion" it says gay. What would you do if it didn't? Would your world view crash? The rest of the lyrics are very unrelated to homosexuality. Please see a doctor because either you are genuinely mentally ill, or have too much free time to troll and need to find something to do.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1nkxm wrote

Very disappointing.


[deleted] t1_iy1ny6w wrote

Blah blah blah.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1ohda wrote

Look if you want to have a legitamate conversation thats one thing but youre being extemely immature and disrespectful.


uuhhhhggg t1_iy1ectn wrote

It’s ayayayayayayayay ohh woah woah

Not gay gay gay gay gay gay go away

Just ppl singing it’s not that deep bro


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1ftpg wrote

Its actually very deep. The whole thing is exposing how we are being conditioned to fear loving each other and instead focus on wealth, ego, and competition "get your money black man" It takes time for your mind to be able to see these things because weve been made to be so afraid of the truth.


wazserd t1_iy1f55h wrote

put down the koolaid bro


sorengray t1_iy1kmi4 wrote

Nothing says crazy like the lack of punctuation and paragraph sized run-on sentences.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1mcho wrote

You mean indicate; you want an applause for that one? Wake up.


sorengray t1_iy1oire wrote

Are you trying not to make sense? 🤔 If so you're doing a great job. 😂


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1opex wrote

Look to try and help you mature; your ego is blinding you and making you act very irritatingly trying to be cool. This isnt a competition neither am I trying to make it one.


sorengray t1_iy1pq4e wrote

Honestly is English your second language? Half of what you write doesn't make sense. If you want to be understood, you need to communicate better.


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1pxoj wrote



sorengray t1_iy1rd6i wrote

😂 To address your original comment, you hearing what you think you hear, doesn't mean that's what is being sung or what the words are. Auditory illusions are a real thing: same sounds being heard differently to different people.

Watch this video that explains in better detail...

(Also, not everything is a conspiracy. Connecting dots to try to make sense of the world is what our brains do whether there are real connections or not. It doesn't actually mean "everything is connected!". And I am a huge supporter of LGBTQ+ rights 🌈 #wakeuptoreality)


TheRealDMiLL OP t1_iy1tgmo wrote

I never said they werent. Could it be your hearing a auditory illusion; stop responding to me unless youre trying to have a legitamate conversation; youre just trying to shame me...


sorengray t1_iy1tpqk wrote

My last reply is a direct conversation saying auditory illusions are real. And if you think you're hearing one thing that isn't what the lyrics are, the chances are you are the one misinterpreting what is being sung or said.

This isn't shaming you. This is stating simple facts.


[deleted] t1_iy1po3t wrote

No need for a competition because you're #1 in disappointment.


elithemoonwalker t1_iy2qrvs wrote

Just went to check, both Spotify and my vinyl record (just to make sure). It definitely says “yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go go away”

How many people have to disagree with you until you realise/ admit you’re wrong? It is obvious you are wanting to hear something offensive -for whatever reason- so you’re making words out of what is quite clearly intended to be vocables. This part is also included to represent African roots, where rhythms like these are popular, so it is with 100% certainty I can assure you Glover wasn’t sneakily slipping in homophobia


GoodIntroduction6344 t1_iy3z3tb wrote

Sure looks like you’re flooding the comments, completely ignoring the tryth, and trying to manipulate folks. You mention fear, but you’re the one who’s fearful and paranoid. You mention rationality, but oppress rational thought by accepting as “rational” only ideas that coincide with your own. You talk about love, but you’re stoking fears, provoking aggression, and promoting conspiracy theories just because you misheard the lyrics to a song—a mistake you can’t even entertain. Get help. You’re a devil in angel’s clothing.


wazserd t1_iy474jg wrote

Schizophrenia will do that to a person for sure


wazserd t1_iy46mz4 wrote

I'm almost 100% sure that OP has schizophrenia and needs psychiatric evaluation

I'm not trying to be mean here, I am genuinely serious when I say that you are very obviously and clearly mentally unwell, and need some help.