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JaymesGrl t1_iuak30u wrote

Agreeing. It's the angelic choir vocals at the start and the words "remember I will always love you, I'm your son". That creepy bass, the zipper and belt buckle sounds, the eerie vocals and words like "innocent child", some sinister phrasing "and on your flesh I'll eat". Then the chorus comes in with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Back to creepy and eerie verse. Chorus comes in fully unhinged. Song slows a bit only to end up making way for a genuine breakdown with real tears as the rest of the band gradually drop out, unsure of how to deal with their singer crying with rage and dispair. The song then ends with a tape recording of a woman singing what sounds like a lullaby a mother would sing to comfort their child.

It's hair raising through out. There are songs that reduce me to tears, but this one just leaves me in shock. Being raped as a child by a neighbour and having his parents refuse to believe him. That's a lot of trauma for anyone, let alone a child whose probably up to that point been naive about how nice the world is. The rawness and emotional weight behind that song makes it seem untouchable. That whole first album hits hard and as the closing track it stays in your brain whether you want it to or not.