Submitted by notaversilfgaming t3_ydwudx in Music

Yes I know Kanye has been off his meds for too long, he has been a piece of shit. I don’t support him at all. But I’m not going to stop listening to his music, his music is actually great and he is a good artist.

Are u guys going to actually stop listening to him?

Downvote me all u want, but I’m not going to change my opinion on this. I just wanted ppls opinions. I like his music and production a lot.

Ps: no I’m not anti-Semitic



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Daddy_Tablecloth t1_ituk8mw wrote

I stopped listening to him long before the blatant antisemitism. You asked for opinions after all and my opinion is that hes never been all that talented. Also I'm tired of people stating hes a "genius" because lets be real he most certainly is not even in the same hemisphere as people who actually are geniuses. Anyone who says he is one is just literally repeating his self proclamation of genuis level intelligence. Even if you look only at his work and use that to judge his intelligence its average at best. The man has literally done nothing to change music in any way. So my opinion is hes an average at best musician with an ego problem , narcissistic traits , likely a personality disorder and the inability to self relfect on his God awful mental health. He will continue doing all of this because dumbasses go around supporting him still and nobody is willing to tell this overgrown child he needs a time out in a psych ward and to fucking take his meds.

If you genuinely care about this guy ( you shouldn't , hes just a celebrity and nothing more ) you should start explaining the reality of this guy's shit behavior to everyone who you meet who says they are fans. His behavior is unacceptable and his music is fucking mediocre as hell. Ive been around plenty of people with mental health issues my entire life. This guy needs help or he's gonna end up hurting himself or starting a fight with someone he shouldn't.


misdirected_asshole t1_itur0tm wrote

>The man has literally done nothing to change music in any way. So my opinion is hes an average at best musician

I think that's really big reach. I don't really know what constitutes a musical genius, as it's really a subjective term. People use the terms virtuoso or prodigy and honestly I think those do apply to him. The difference is that he's not a musician that plays instruments. As a producer, you have to put him at the top of the field and he has had an undeniable impact on music and culture in his career. I was around before Kanye and music immediately started to sound different because of him. He produced for so many artists before he became a solo artist (and after) and he absolutely shaped the sound of hip hop and I would say is in part responsible for how mainstream it is today. I find it very hard to deny that. I was there. I saw and heard it and was part of the culture and it will be near impossible convince me otherwise based on my lived experience. College Dropout changed rap/hip hop music and culture. I saw the hardest dudes you know wearing layered pink polo shirts with the collars up.

Now with that said.....

He absolutely deserves the backlash he's getting now. I stopped listening to him as an artist probably 10 years ago when he came out with the Confederate flag clothing. That was before Kim Kardashian. That was before the "slavery was a choice" comments. That was before the stalkerish, threatening behavior against his now ex wife. That was before the antisemitism. I was done a long time ago. I think it's good that he's getting dropped maybe it will give him a reality check that he's not a god among men. But sadly it probably will just make him more bitter and angry and we'll have to hear him whine incessantly about it. (Kinda like Donald Trump)


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituy9w6 wrote

Thank you for your opinion …idk maybe my music choice isn’t great but I like ye


misdirected_asshole t1_itv0x93 wrote

His earlier stuff is more relatable and to hats what made it so popular IMO. Now he just raps about him being a mogul and his woes against the fashion industry or whatever. It's like...dude you're the only person this applies to. Nobody cares. His rap stopped being relevant a while ago. As far as the music it now sometimes feels like he's trying to hard to be different and it's just..meh.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_itv26h9 wrote

I mainly only listen to his older music Till like 808s

After that I only have a few songs from his newer albums


johnnyashes t1_ituzbg0 wrote

Not a fan of much of Kanye's music and I absolutely respect your opinion.


misdirected_asshole t1_itv0e2a wrote

I'm no longer a fan of his. Haven't been in a while, but for better or worse, you really can't deny his impact.


johnnyashes t1_itv22bi wrote

The vast majority of my friends consider him a genius but are now choosing to stop supporting him. I don't think he is a genius. I think he has just been given the platform to create unhindered from a mainstream definition of "good" which is wonderful. I doubt he will be given that much of a pass in the future.

I think if he had started with Donda he wouldn't be known outside of the "art" world which isn't very profitable.


amorningofsleep t1_ituirtl wrote

> Downvote me all u want

Ok awesome. Thanks for the permission.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituzblm wrote

Oh well … i gave a polarising opinion it has to happen

But my question was would u separate art from the artists, I used ye as an example because he is the most relevant

Sorta like how people boycotted travis after the astroworld incident


waterbuffalo750 t1_itumlvs wrote

Yeah, I tend to separate the art from the artist. I think a lot of great artists are troubled people. Most of them aren't known because they haven't been terrible in public.

Kanye is a bad example for me though, I'll just keep not listening to his music because I never have.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituyjch wrote

Well thank you for sharing my thoughts …my question was infact what u answered …I just took Kanye as an example because he is the most psychotic musician that is so popular.

I just wanted to know if people actually separated art from the artist


waterbuffalo750 t1_itv6laa wrote

Some do, some don't. Most do selectively. Most people boycotting Kanye, for example, are people who don't listen to Kanye anyway.


DevinBelow t1_itux18s wrote

Yeah, I'm not listening to that clown and haven't for years. It'd be like listening to a Donald Trump record or something. Maybe if he were really talented and made outstanding music, I would be harder pressed to stop listening to him, but he's average at best and there are thousands of better artists out there, and my time is precious, so Kanye gets none of it.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituz31n wrote

I understand thanks for your opinion. Idk I like Kanyes music maybe I haven’t been exposed to more musicians

I like cudi as well

Could u maybe refer a few others ? In the same genre as Kanye ?


DevinBelow t1_itv2uc9 wrote

I'm really not the guy to ask. I like Hip hop, but it's not my main genre of choice. I mean I like Kendrick, Frank Ocean, but I'll mostly listen to more "old school" stuff like Biggie, JayZ, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, KRS-One, Nas, that type of thing.


Lola_is_Tifa t1_ituk4bk wrote

Yes, I will continue to listen to the Kanye albums I already have physical copies of because I enjoy them and he does not get any additional money when I do so.

Also, yes, Kanye is a huge douche canoe and has been for a while now. It’s very telling about who our society actually values that people and brands are only just now trying to show him there are consequences to his actions.


johnnyashes t1_ituys78 wrote

This reminds me of the whole thing with Michael Jackson's catalog. Kanye is revered for his creativity. We should break out of our all-or-nothing thinking and acknowledge that while being an extremely influential creator, both in music and fashion, he is saying things that are extremely harmful. These are not mutually exclusive. A person can be terrible and contribute something positive and life altering to society and vice versa.

The problem that you must recognize is that by continuing to buy/stream his music you are continuing to put money in his pockets. This is validating. Kanye says whatever he wants, money keeps pouring in, so why should he stop and reflect on what he is doing when his actions have minimal consequences?

Everyone has to make their own decision, but I would encourage people to boycott Kanye's music and products rights now and until he changes his messaging.

I am sure I will be among the minority on Reddit who says that I don't think he even needs to apologize and try and reverse the harm he has done, although he should do that exact thing. At the very least he should stop his behavior and get back to productive messaging and not something so vitriolic and hate-filled.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituzv38 wrote

While I agree that Kanye needs to take back his words and apologise while simultaneously change his message, Also with the fact that maybe In some way I encourage his behaviour … I still like his art, how do I stop listening to songs that I actually like while simultaneously not encouraging it

All I could do is call him out… I like the convenience of listening to his music on streaming platforms


johnnyashes t1_itv0yyd wrote

Honestly, I just appreciate your honesty on all of this. A lot of people just want others to think like them without ever considering the concerns of others.

I get it. Streaming is so easy and convenient and if Ye is a primary artist you listen to it gets harder.A couple ideas off the top of the head:

  • Use the opportunity to find other innovative artists. You might discover something new that you really like, maybe even more than Kanye.
  • Torrent his albums ("illegal")
  • Buy the albums of his that you like off the used market. This has a ripple effect to an extent but the backlash against Kanye is probably enough to greatly outweigh you buying his cd off Ebay for several dollars.

The thing about boycotts is that sometimes we have to stop buying/using things that we actually greatly value because the message we want to send to the person(s) profiting from it is more valuable. It's up to you to decide what you value.


bluetriumphantcloud t1_itvf3i2 wrote

You're spot on mate.

Lost in the shuffle of what an unbelievable asshole he is (and it is hard to believe) is the fact that he's the most prolific musical artist of the last 20 years.


sorengray t1_itwrme3 wrote

Well at the very least only relisten to his stuff if you already own it on vinyl or CD. But stop streaming him. Otherwise you're giving him money every time you do and just helping him fill his racist, psycho, already full pockets


geetarzrkool t1_ituj7j0 wrote

Ps: Ye isn't a"Semite" dummy, but you ARE a RACIST.

He doesn't care what you, or anyone else has to say. That's the point of being an artist. That's why he's successful and you never will be.

Btw, this is a slide thread from the Mods (JIDF and CO.). LOL!!!!!! You can ALWAYS tell it's THEM b/c they offer a moronic, irrelevant premise (me no likey Ye-boi) followed up by "What do you think.....?" (your answers are then noted for the "record") Gee, I wonder who's behind these posts?

THEY use this tactic all the time because THEY are as uncreative as "OP", who again, is really just a MOD doing a bit of "market research" for their masters.

Hey Mod, what's your name? Who do you answer to? Why do you always hide in the shadows on a subreddit as innocuous as "Music"? Who runs the "Music Business"?

Better ask Ye!!!! ;)


amorningofsleep t1_ituk81b wrote

Lol holy shit this reads like a teenaged Kanye wrote it.


PM_ur_Rump t1_itumhed wrote

Dude's history is the same kind of blatant antisemitism, holy shit.


crimshaw83 t1_itulncb wrote

Also i forgot to add, you are anti-semetic as well. Fuck off loser


BunkytheClown t1_itunhcf wrote

>Ye isn't a"Semite" dummy

Nobody said he was. At all.

OP denies being anti-Semitic because he just wrote a post about continuing to listen to the music of an *anti-*Semite. Try to keep up.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituywzk wrote

Exactly I just mentioned that because sometimes people get triggered and label the person In the same category


BunkytheClown t1_ituz3pk wrote



notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituziqb wrote

Nothing I just agreed with you

Because this guy suddenly calls me out as a racist

I just put the anti semite thing because I was saying I wouldn’t stop listening to Kanye


Bygdon t1_ituo2ma wrote

You are correct, Kanye, Ye, unmedicated POS whatever you choose to call him is not a Semite. He is an ANTI Semite. Words are important, you should learn to use them properly. More importantly, you should strive to understand them.

The other option is that maybe you should head to LA and perform your Nazi salute on the overpass with your brethren.


notaversilfgaming OP t1_ituyscf wrote

Bro what 💀how the hell am I a mod.

I just wanted to know a huge poll since I usually don’t get why people boycott artists after some controversy. Like travis after the Astroworld incident

I used ye as an example because he’s the most relevant to current times