Submitted by InterestingHead8361 t3_126osyn in Music

I've been playing on a budget classical guitar (i play everything on it) I've been thinking of getting an electric and wasted so much time on deciding which one because I'll play almost everything on it again(from super clean to really distorted) Still confused but i love listening to soothing piano music and now thinking of getting a piano instead because I want to learn something new.

My budget is restricted to around 200 dollars



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Von_Quixote t1_jea0in8 wrote

Adopt a Piano, it’s free -


InterestingHead8361 OP t1_jea37as wrote

It's now available in my country


TaserLord t1_jea448e wrote

That particular program aside, pianos are worth very little second-hand. If you have a couple of friends and a truck, you should be able to find something very cheaply.


blay12 t1_jeahr9e wrote

Though if OP is thinking about getting a piano to learn to play, I'd honestly recommend just getting a budget/used digital piano over an old secondhand acoustic piano. Almost every old/secondhand piano I've ever played has been in dire need of tuning, and the action on many of them always seems to be incredibly inconsistent - some keys are fine, some take WAY more energy to press from that one time someone spilled a soda down the front and got the mechanisms sticky, some keys are just dead and won't press at all, and almost all the keys are loose and wiggle side to side. They're fine if you already have a baseline of skill (and want a project piano to clean up/tune), but they can promote some bad habits in beginners. Even if you're not spending $400+ for a nicer new digital keyboard with weighted keys, I still think it's better to learn on something with a consistent action and sound.

All of that aside, digital pianos also have the benefit of a headphone jack and are way more neighbor-friendly if OP is in an apartment/flat or shares walls/lives super close to the neighbors.


downwardspiralstairs t1_jea16tn wrote

¿por que no los dos?

You should be able to find a free piano, the problem is moving them.


SprawlWino t1_jea1ldx wrote

To get both a decent electric guitar and an amplifier for 200 bucks might be hard. Or will you be playing through some form of computer plugin?

I would try to find a second hand Squier or Ibanez, possibly Yamaha or Epiphone in your price range if you can put all the money towards just a guitar. Most electrics can cover most of the ground between really clean - really distorted in the end. Telecasters and Stratocasters get used in metal, SGs and Les Pauls in jazz and gospel.

If Squier, anything from the Vintage Modified or Classic Vibe series should be decent stuff.


InterestingHead8361 OP t1_jea23b2 wrote

Yes, I was thinking of getting a guitar and an audio interface and using virtual plugins on my laptop.


InterestingHead8361 OP t1_jea2wru wrote

Like I am confused between, squier bullet Strat and tele then Yamaha Pacifica 012, then HH guitars like cort x1 and Jackson js 11 also like cort cr50.