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MDS1138 t1_jdc724d wrote

Well, if we're sharing ANY songs, I'll do a bit of shameless self-promotion as I just put some new ones online. Kinda dark alt-rock/indie stuff. For fans of.. I dunno, Young Widows, Fugazi, Bob Mould/HD? You tell me.

Not a real band, I'm just an older fella who does this for fun.

For your listening pleasure.


audwun OP t1_jddilm3 wrote

Listened to the whole EP, nice work dude! I liked 1., 2. & 3. most. Not sure what would qualify you as a real band, but it sounded like it. Are you on Instagram?


MDS1138 t1_jdek76m wrote

Awesome, thank you for listening! Not a real band in the sense that I play/program all of the instruments myself. More of a home recording project, I suppose. I am on instagram, handle is on my profile page here. Thanks again!


audwun OP t1_jdf8cg3 wrote

Gotcha, I wasn’t necessarily scrutinizing the elements too closely, but nothing stuck out as being programmed/midi etc. sounded good Cool, follow for follow maybe? I make music too, but for now I’m mostly just posting my art 🎨 I requested - @audwunart


MDS1138 t1_jdfa8yo wrote

Followed you back! Your art is dope, I'm gonna do a deep dive later.


audwun OP t1_jdfb7bv wrote

Thanks man, I appreciate ya! 🙌🏽