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javeryh t1_ja9os51 wrote

All you know about me is what I've sold you, dumb fuck

I sold out long before you'd ever even heard my name

I sold my soul to make a record, dip shit

And then you bought one

All you read and wear or see and hear on tv is a product begging for your fat-ass dirty dollar

Shut up and buy, buy, buy my new record

And buy, buy, buy, send more money

Fuck you, buddy


ChefPneuma t1_jaa37hu wrote

Damn was gonna post this and you beat me to it.

One of the best responses to “selling out” ever written, IMO

All you know about me is what I sold you

—-lol, perfect


-A_A_A_A_A_A- t1_ja9q63f wrote

I think the term “sellout” has its roots much further back. It refers to bands making “light” or “melodic” songs that could get released as singles and get radio airplay. Indie Fans can be very territorial, so when a band is accused of “trying to go mainstream” it takes away their street cred.

Looking back, there’s examples like Joey Ramone needed to be held at gunpoint by the producer in the recording studio to put classical violins on their record. He knew it wasn’t true to their sound, but they had to do it anyway.

Also, “cleaning up” a band’s image was seen as selling out. Good example is EMI forcing the Sex Pistols to release “Silly Thing.” They rebelled, of course, and that was the end of their career. (Though it’s not such a bad song).


Skelter89 t1_ja9fs9v wrote

Bob Dylan going electric. Afterwards he'd release the greatest songs of his career, and still putting out great music.


Martipar t1_ja9mpl1 wrote

It's entirely possible to fail after selling out because it's very easy to lose your existing fan base and not gain new fans.

Plenty of UK pubs are closing because they modernise and lose their clientele who came in daily drinking a pint an hour for most of the day and only attracting a handful of new customers who mostly only come in at the weekend.

Personally i feel Linkin Park sold out when they rerecorded an album with a rapper which was clearly designed to get people to end up with two versions of one album for very little effort.

As for bands that haven't sold out but have evolved is Iron Maiden, most evident by the fact they didn't go alternative or nu-metal in the 90s like many of their contemporaries. They've gone from essentially Heavy Budgie, to having a style all their own then having a hiatus from Bruce Dickinson with again a very unique sound with Blaze Bayley then having a rebirth with Bruce again and they've basically gone prog and all eras are fine by me.