Submitted by Theobviouschild11 t3_11b1lpz in Music

Like a song that you constantly question why in the world they decided to keep it in when it’s just so inferior to everything else on the record. I’ll give a few that come to mind for me.

  1. White light - Demon Days, Gorillaz

2 Extreme Wealth and Casual Cruelty - Multi-Love, Unknown Mortal Orchestra

  1. Listening Wing and The Overload - Remain in Light, Talking Heads


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DevinBelow t1_j9vde6q wrote

Revolution No. 9

Look, I respect the hell of out it. It's experimental, and audacious, and the very idea that the Beatles would include a "song" like this on one of their albums is probably one of the things that made me first fall in love with the Beatles, back in high school when I was taking a lot of acid...having said's just too damn long. It is the only Beatles song on any Beatles album that I ever hit "skip" on.


Due_Flan_4760 t1_j9vrs25 wrote

The White album should have been a single album. Would have been perhaps the best album ever if cherry picked songs down to a single LP.


DevinBelow t1_j9vs8k0 wrote

I disagree. I think they should have ditched R9 and included Child of Nature, Not Guilty and Junk (and spent the time fleshing those songs out obviously). There aren't any other songs that I'd personally cut from the album.


deeplife t1_j9y2tvs wrote

Nope. Just take out Revolution 9, that’s it.


chadmac81 t1_j9vytc9 wrote

Revolution No. 9 gets way too much hate for being the 2nd most unlistenable track on the record. Looking at you, Wild Honey Pie


DevinBelow t1_j9w1tih wrote

I'd maybe agree with you if WHP were 8 1/2 minutes long.


banstylejbo t1_j9xesvs wrote

It’s the only song I’ll skip on The White Album. But damn, Maxwell’s Silver Hammer… I just can’t get through it.


Ihadsumthin4this t1_jaf00nm wrote

I mean, it's a little silly, sure, but it's occasionally listenable.

Whereas idk...Let It Be, Hey Jude, Come Together, and Yellow Submarine are just flat out annoyant.


Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9vmxyw wrote

Nah theres a few songs on there worth skipping tbh.


DevinBelow t1_j9vnygw wrote

You can skip as many as you want. You don't even have to listen to it at all. I'm just saying the song that I would have taken off the album is that one.


Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9vqfa4 wrote

I don’t think you understand the original question. It’s what perfect album gets ruined by one or two songs. Theres a number of skippable songs there. Not just one.


DevinBelow t1_j9vra74 wrote

Except you're wrong, and that's okay. You're allowed to be. There aren't any other skippable songs on that record.

You could also just stop for two seconds and realize that it is completely subjective. Just because you view a song as "skippable" doesn't make it some universal truth. There are no objectively good or bad songs, or songs that objectively ruin an album.


Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9vrp03 wrote

It’s all subjective, thanks for stating the obvious.


DevinBelow t1_j9vruzf wrote

Then what are you arguing about? What are you implying I don't understand?


Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9vsdig wrote

Of all the possible answers you could of picked theres better observations and more interesting answers than The Beatles White Album that’s all I’m saying.


Malanderer t1_j9vo4qq wrote

Agreed. Excellent album but very much imperfect, which is the point.

I would get on perfectly fine without Birthday.


Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9vp88o wrote

For every While my Guitar Gently Weeps theres a Wild Honey Pie that just stinks the room out.


Malanderer t1_j9vpuf4 wrote

That one I can deal with, because it’s only a minute long and is clearly meant to confuse the listener, by which standard it does its job very well. I wouldn’t listen to it on purpose but I can’t usually be bothered to skip it. For some reason it reminds me more of a short cutscene in a video game than anything else.

I have more of a problem with its namesake, Honey Pie. I respect the Beatles for their understanding of British music history and their place in it, and their love for the music that represented that tradition, but I don’t need to show that respect by repeatedly listening to their take on music hall.


uofwi92 t1_j9w8539 wrote

The Police - Synchronicity

So many great songs. And then that charmless obscenity “Mother” comes on and I want to stuff icepicks into my eardrums…


mycatsnameisnoodle t1_j9wcrcl wrote

Best song on the record. Andy Summers rules.


uofwi92 t1_j9weyq8 wrote

Yes, as evidenced by his stellar solo career, and Sting’s failure as one.


mycatsnameisnoodle t1_j9wf75a wrote

Sting solo is the definition of dull.


uofwi92 t1_j9wpuxb wrote

So dull that in 2017, Andy Summers created a tribute band called Call The Police to play all the songs Sting wrote.


admire816 t1_j9vxtdt wrote

My World on GNRs UYI2. Perfect album until it gets to the last song, this piece of shit song.


jplee69 t1_j9w4ugl wrote



moderatesoul t1_j9x0cda wrote

Wow. I did not actually expect to see this here. It was my first thought when I read the question, but then I quickly remembered 'Get in the Ring' is also on that album. 'My World' is where Axl wanted to take G'n'R, and it's fucking garbage.


LarryCraigSmeg t1_j9xfvbg wrote

You got your bitches with the silicone injections Crystal meth and yeast infections

Get in the ring motherfucker! and I'll kick your bitchy little ass! punk!!


Spiniferus t1_j9x6lti wrote

Holy fuck both those tracks send me back. I loved them as a 12/13 year old when the album came out hahaha.


-Purple-Parker- t1_j9zx4dw wrote

i actually love get in the ring, it’s just far enough to be gnr but not enough to be my world lol


moderatesoul t1_ja050qs wrote

I'll upvote that. I do kinda dig GitR, but it's also just so fucking edgelord.


easylisteningmuzak t1_j9vvaam wrote

That one pink floyd song with long name on ummagumma. The album despite popular belief is actually a fairly well put together avant-garde album being an aquired taste, but that one furry animals song is absolutely atrocious and will make just about anyone's paralyzed grandfather get up and turn it off.


Due-Preparation5104 t1_j9w794r wrote

You DON'T like 'Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict?'


sjfraley1975 t1_j9x4z4v wrote

LOL! I made an ex of mine listen to it with me one time. She almost had an aneurysm when I said "Keep with it, it get a lot better once the hyenas kick in.".


TheRealHappyNat t1_j9ymiyb wrote

My dogs love "several small species...", always gets them howling so it's worth something.


DevinBelow t1_j9zkjmg wrote

Friends and I would always put that one on at high school parties...yes, we were very popular.


chadmac81 t1_j9vz214 wrote

All the skits on Crazy Sexy Cool by TLC. Kills the flow of the album and you can never play it through unless you like the sounds of toilets flushing.


AnswerGuy301 t1_j9wmtrg wrote

For years every hip hop and many R&B albums for some reason had to have the dumb skit tracks.


chadmac81 t1_j9wqocn wrote

There was way too much space on a CD and artists felt compelled to fill it for some reason


AnswerGuy301 t1_j9wv4of wrote

Yeah. Nearly every rock album of that era had like 15 tracks and was at least an hour long and if you were lucky half of it was worth hearing.


banstylejbo t1_j9xeoq3 wrote

This annoys me so much. So many albums just have like 5 too many songs on them. Could have been a super tight 10-11 songs, but no we need to get to 16+ songs plus maybe some skits and of course at least one hidden track at the end!


WhisperingSideways t1_j9vi227 wrote

Miles Davis’ 1967 album Sorcerer is an excellent snapshot of Davis moving towards his psychedelic era, and the album is great until the final song “Nothing Like You” which was recorded in 1962 and features Bob Dorough (nowadays best known as the “folksy” singer of various Schoolhouse Rock songs) on vocals, and even at less than 2:00 wears out its welcome quickly.


Notinyourbushes t1_j9vdwyg wrote

Friday I'm in Love on Wish by the Cure. The whole album is continuing their trend as maturing as artists but that song is blatantly aimed at being a radio hit and a throw back to their earlier sound.

Not saying it's a horrible song, but the album would have been stronger without it.


Mrgreen1138 t1_j9vydwp wrote

F/X from Black Sabbath’s Vol 4

Fitter Happier from Radiohead’s OK Computer

Bull Session with the Big Daddy from The Beach Boys Today!


MiffyCurtains t1_j9vylzo wrote

Listening Wind and The Overload are great songs. Sure, they are very much removed from the tempo etc of the rest of the album, but still great. If anything, Seen and Not Seen is also an outlier.


Theobviouschild11 OP t1_j9w5bk9 wrote

Maybe I need to give them more listens. Just never stood out to me. I do love Seen Not Seen tho. That backbeat with the weird lyrics over. Amazing


Metallama t1_j9w4ipc wrote

Someone mentioned Automatic for the People by REM in the comments. One of my favorite albums, but I’ve never really enjoyed Star Me Kitten. Every other track is great, but that one breaks up my experience. At least it leads into one of the finest final three tracks on any album, Man on the Moon, Nightswimming, and Find the River.


edgarpickle t1_j9wkfc9 wrote

It certainly doesn't ruin the album, but "Swing On This" at the end of Jar of Flies by Alice In Chains just doesn't belong there. Not at all. And it's enough to move that album out of contention for the best album of all time for me. Otherwise, the mood established by the rest of the album is a sheer masterpiece. But then that song comes along and shifts the whole mood. It's rough.


ACILLATEMisMETALLICA t1_j9vsfam wrote

KISS'S Destroyer has one bad song: Rock N Roll Party. It's pointless.


Ihadsumthin4this t1_jaf0nqq wrote

Their Love Gun contains Then She Kissed Me, which I think would've served us all better by being 30 seconds. (Yes, I get that it is an adaptation, but still.)


JustBoredIsAll t1_j9vswti wrote

I tend to skip them... But now that you mention it, Idiots Rule has always been pretty fuckin jarring and kind of takes you out of of the bliss that is Summertime Rolls and Mountain Song.


Malanderer t1_j9vtqrf wrote

Thanks for reminding me to listen to that album more!


Tranquility-Android t1_j9wswde wrote

“Well It’s True That We Love One Another” on Elephant by The White Stripes


Cyanopicacooki t1_j9vf1rv wrote

Inheritance by New Model Army off Thunder and Consolation.

I was never a fan of Justin's spoken word songs, and this one just spoils the flow of an otherwise excellent album.


whollybananas t1_j9wew0v wrote

Absolutely! The album would be so much better without it.


thisizusername t1_j9wjl6a wrote

Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral

Song #9…never have I listened to an album that I otherwise love but hate a single point in it so much…


HanglebertShatbagels t1_j9y0l5w wrote

I thought, “wait, no way this person means the song I think they mean…” but you do? Big Man With A Gun? I can’t understand liking NIN, and this album in particular, liking Mr Self Destruct, and March of the Pigs, but not that song


thisizusername t1_j9y961v wrote

I don’t think I’m the only one that holds this opinion, but far from universal. I personally think it’s the worst musically, and I find it grating to my ears. However, I also think that album is one of the pinnacles of modern music.


JedExi t1_j9zuvly wrote

It's pretty essential to the flow of the album


thisizusername t1_j9zvzyc wrote

I won’t argue with how others feel regarding flow, but it’s pretty essential for me to remove it


AnswerGuy301 t1_j9x02q9 wrote

Neither "My Wife" nor "Going Mobile" are the worst songs ever, but they really stand out as trifles next to the other seven tracks on _Who's Next_.


astronomybovine t1_j9x4nqt wrote

Any Ryan Adams fans? Gold is almost a perfect album but fucking Enemy Fire sucks so bad.


LarryCraigSmeg t1_j9xfoch wrote

“Les Boys” on Making Movies by Dire Straits

My favorite Dire Straits album.

One of their worst songs.


thewizardking420 t1_j9y5jtf wrote

Double Fantasy- John Lennon. Yoko messed it up


Nico1011021 t1_j9vdb2a wrote

It is rather the other way around but Kurt Cobain's album: 'Montage Of Heck: The home recordings' has some good songs among the most random stuff


Ok-Leg64 t1_j9w4lop wrote

I agree with you on white light.


HelloweenFan666 t1_j9w5rvp wrote

Rise and Fall, and Livin Ain't No Crime ruin an otherwise 10/10 Keeper Of The Seven Keys part 2 by Helloween


biderman77 t1_j9w8fwa wrote

Any Brad fans here? Shame is a nearly perfect album but Bad for the Soul is awful.


MarilynManson2003 t1_j9wp4j1 wrote

“God Damn” from “The Stage” by Avenged Sevenfold

“Starfuckers” from “The Fragile” by NIИ (great song, but it ruins the flow of the album)

“Bound 2” from “Yeezus” by Kanye West

“Der Meister” from “Herzeleid” by Rammstein

“Welcome To The Family” and “Danger Line” from “Nightmare” by Avenged Sevenfold

“Dyslexia” from “DaDa” by Alice Cooper


banstylejbo t1_j9xf59r wrote

Starfuckers is totally out of place on The Fragile. I skip it every time. Probably one of the only NIN songs I actually despise.


Quasar427 t1_j9wqz1l wrote

The Happy Song on Poet of the Fall's Temple of Thought album. That album is amazing, but I have no idea why they made that song. It is nothing like any other song of theirs and it is just weird. It's the only song from them that I ever skip.


StevetheVehicon111 t1_j9wwinq wrote

The song "Twenties" off Ghost's album "Impera" is the first that comes to mind

Another is Shinedown's "PYRO" off their album "ATTENTION ATTENTION"


dunkeebutt t1_j9wz97y wrote

I don't know that it's a perfect album to speak of, but reading this post and some of the comments made me immediately think about how My Carnival feels so out of place on McCartney's Venus and Mars.


Williams_Theme t1_j9x21kj wrote

Pinocchio Story on 808s and Heartbreak by Kanye. I respect its out-there-ness, but I really don't like it.


Elegant_Spot_3486 t1_j9xcgxv wrote

Action! Not Words - Pyromania from Def Leppard. It’s just so inferior to the rest of the album.


AVBforPrez t1_j9xf1cd wrote

"If He's Here, Then Who's Running Hell?" - Four Year Strong, Rise or Die Trying.

Not even that bad of a song, but the only one that isn't a super perfect banger.


banstylejbo t1_j9xfmz6 wrote

“East St. Louis Toodle-oo” on Pretzel Logic by Steely Dan. WTF is that doing on there? Also why is that song on one of their greatest hits albums? The ultimate troll.

“On the Run” on DSOTM by Pink Floyd. This song just seems out of place to me. Total filler that sounds like they found some interesting equipment in the studio and decided to just monkey around with it for shits and giggles.


MikeFripp t1_j9xwpye wrote

"Twenties" ruins "Impera," by Ghost, for me. Amazing album, and then that song starts playing and makes you want to stop listening to the album.


culture_vulture_1961 t1_j9yiqmj wrote

Led Zeppelin have no duff tracks on any of their albums except Hats Off To (Roy) Harper on Led Zeppelin III which makes my ears bleed..


Ihadsumthin4this t1_jaf18nz wrote

Any day of any week I'll take Harper over Fool In The Rain.

Speaking of Zeppelin III, have you listened to the version of Out On The Tiles off the 1995 tribute album ENCOMIUM?


SnotboogyFlats t1_j9z1y72 wrote

Glitter Freeze - Plastic Beach, Gorillaz


ergmoe t1_j9w1o4e wrote

Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts from Dylan's Blood on the Tracks


Due-Preparation5104 t1_j9w729f wrote

  • Bound 2 on YEEZUS (Kanye)
  • There Goes A Tenner on The Dreaming (Kate Bush)
  • OK and Meine Tränen on ZEIT (Rammstein)

BeardedBassist21 t1_j9wrmfw wrote

By Myself needs to be removed from Hybrid Theory, fight me


jplee69 t1_j9w5ts9 wrote



Duganboy1 t1_j9wgofe wrote

Bahh you said album, now that is funny


Fit-Friend-8431 t1_j9vngiq wrote

Houses of the Holy - The Crunge and D’yer Mak’er


banstylejbo t1_j9xfau9 wrote

I can go along with the hate on The Crunge, but D’yer Mak’er is a’ight man.


MiffyCurtains t1_j9vzexk wrote

I've always thought that OK Computer would have been better without Electioneering.


hbxli t1_j9w1plw wrote

You could have said Fitter Happier

To me, Electioneering is to OK Computer what Ignoreland is to Automatic For The People. A faster paced uptempo political song that breaks up both albums very nicely imho


MiffyCurtains t1_j9wxkfs wrote

Fitter Happier ties the album together. It is the flavour of the whole thing. But that's just my opinion.


thisizusername t1_j9wy6qu wrote

I used to feel this way, a bit less so now. But still, there were a lot of options on the eps that probably would have been better picks. To this day, I can’t understand why they didn’t ask me for help on that.


MiffyCurtains t1_j9wyslp wrote

Thank you!! Any of the b-sides would have been better. Can you imagine if Polyethylene or Pearly had been on there in place of Electioneering??


thisizusername t1_j9x3h36 wrote

Pearly for sure. And don’t get me started with Amnesiac!!!