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honeybeesh t1_j5ksnb9 wrote

nice tutor


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5ktftm wrote

Used to have 3 revised tutors... You ever just want to go back in time and smack yourself on the back of the head ;)


Vomath t1_j5l5dmb wrote

I sold playsets of each dual land at around $10 each. 😭


mrouija213 t1_j5mdri6 wrote

I felt bad as a kid buying revised dual lands for $15/ea. Fast forward to now and I feel like high school me was a much better investor than adult me...


vim_for_life t1_j5lz2cv wrote

I think I have 1-2 if they're from 4th edition? Been a LONG time since I've pulled those cards out..


yParticle t1_j5m4zb6 wrote

I may have been the dude who bought them from you at a tourney. They got pretty worn before getting resold.


honeybeesh t1_j5kts03 wrote

aww man, Im sorry


SpikedSynapse OP t1_j5kty1s wrote

Ahh it is what it is, I avoid looking up what my old collection was worth to avoid that pain. :D


HoldmyPenguin t1_j5kw0m2 wrote

If it makes you feel better many many years ago I sold my (unpowered) Oath deck for 600.


Super_Harsh t1_j5mkk78 wrote

I sold my Unlimited Duals in early 2021, months before they tripled due to the crypto boom.